International Journal of

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

International Journal of
Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

Effects of plant population and integrated nutrient management options on new maize (Zea mays L) varieties in semi-arid region of Zimbabwe

Goto Gilbert and Kugedera Andrew Tapiwa

Page No: 1-9

Food insecurity as a result of reduced soil fertility is now a household characteristic in small holder farmers of Zimbabwe. The main objective of the study was to assess the effects of integrated nutrient management and plant population on maize growth rate grain and stover yield. The experiment was conducted at Wendedzo Irrigation in ward 32 Masvingo District of Zimbabwe. A randomised complete block design was used and an ultra-maturing latest hybrid (PAN 3M01) was used as a test maize variety. Data on growth rate was collected by measuring plant height of five plants in the net plot and an average was calculated. Plant height was measured on 30 days after sowing (DAS), 60DAS and 90 DAS in centimetres. Grain and stover yields were measured from the net plot and yield was converted to kilogrammes per hectare (kg/ha).

The results show that there was no significant difference (p=0.29) between plant heights measuring 30 DAS with 17.33 cm being the lowest from CM0N037 treatments and 47.33 cm from CM5N20037 treatments being the highest. The results show that there was significant difference between plant height measuring 60 DAS and on 90 DAS with p=0. 003. The grain yield showed significant difference on all treatments (p<0.003) with the controls CM0N037 and CM0N044 recording 1429 kg/ha and 1526 kg/ha respectively. The highest grain yield was recorded on CM0D200N20044 which scored 3482 kg/ha followed with grain yield from CM5N20044 treatments with a mean yield of 3400 kg/ha. Stover yield was significantly different for all treatments with p<0.001. Highest stover yield was from CM5N20044 treatments which was 6600 kg/ha compared to a lowest of 900 kg/ha from CM0N037 treatments. The results also show that there was significant different between treatments for 1000 grain weight with p=0.002. Highest 1000 grain weight was from CM5N20044 treatments which recorded an average of 502 g and a lowest of 147 g from CM0N037 treatments.

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Pressmud based formulations of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria as eco-friendly approach for the plant growth

Gunjal A.B. and Kapadnis B.P.

Page No: 10-13

The use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture is a serious issue which requires to be solved. The agroindustry by-products viz. peanut shell, corn cob, sawdust, paddy husk, pressmud etc. are generated in ample amount. The agroindustry by-products are directly burnt or disposed to the landfills. These agroindustry by-products can be converted to various value-added products viz. proteins, antibiotics, mushroom production, compost, plant growth promoting substances and also as carriers for plant growth promoting rhizobacteria.

The work focuses here on use of pressmud based formulations of Bacillus circulans and Bacillus subtilis for the plant growth viz. maize, wheat, jowar and bajra. The pressmud based formulations of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria enhanced the germination and vigor index of maize, wheat, jowar and bajra. There was also significant increase in the shoot length of wheat with pressmud based formulation of B. subtilis. The use of pressmud based formulations of B. circulans and B. subtilis for the plant growth will be eco-friendly and will also reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.

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Rumen characteristics and thermo-physiological response of west African dwarf goat fed nitrogen supplemented cassava peel meals

Ajagbe A.D., Oyewole B.O., Olorunyomi F.A., Abdulmumini A.A. and Noah V.

Page No: 14-20

A study was carried out to determine rumen characteristics and physiological response of growing West Africa dwarf bucks fed nitrogen supplemented cassava peels. Forty (40) growing West African Dwarf bucks aged 5–7 months with an initial weight of 5.25kg ± 0.35 were used for the study. The animals were allocated to five treatments with eight (8) goats per treatment in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). They were fed diet of CPU (100% treated Cassava peal meal), CPF (60% untreated Cassava Peel meal + 40% cassava foliage),CPM (60% untreated cassava pee meal + 40% poultry manure), CPFU (60% untreated cassava peal meal + 20% urea treated cassava peel meal + 20% cassava foliage), CPFM (60% untreated cassava peel meal + 20% cassava foliage + 20% poultry manure).

Results showed that the rumen ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration, acetic, lactic, butyric and propionate acid were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by supplemental nitrogen sources. Values of acetic and lactic acid were significantly (p<0.05) higher in CPFM than other treatments. Rumen liquor colour varied between green and darkish green across the treatments while rectal temperature, respiratory rate and pulse rate were not significantly (P>0.05) different. CPFM had higher values for all the physiological parameters examined. It can be concluded that feeding West African Dwarf (WAD) goat with nitrogen supplemented cassava peel meals offers potential results in supplying fermentable nitrogen needed to enhance favourable rumen environment for effective microbial activities without any adverse effect on the thermo-physiological status of the animals.

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Phenotyping of black rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes for physio-biochemical traits associated with drought tolerance under red and lateritic soil of Bankura district, West Bengal

Shil Sanjoy

Page No: 21-27

Growth and productivity of black rice (Oryza sativa L.) are significantly affected by numerous biotic and abiotic stresses. Among various stresses, drought stress is one of the major constraints for production and yield stability of black rice under rainfed ecosystem. Hence, screening of black rice varieties/genotypes based on physiological traits in relation to drought tolerance must be identified urgently. The black rice varieties are considered to have diverse benefits in human health due to the presence of different antioxidants. This rice is highly rated in the market because of its huge nutritional spectrum and the main peculiarity of black rice is its anthocyanin which is both fat and water soluble. This rice is free of gluten, free of cholesterol, low in sugar, salt, and fat. Black rice is a whole grain, super nutritious type of rice that is high in fiber, anthocyanin, antioxidants, vitamins B and E, iron, thiamine, magnesium, niacin and phosphorous.

An experiment was conducted at Bankura campus of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Chhatna, Susunia. Five genotypes of black rice viz. Manipuri Black, Mymi Hunger, Kalo Bhat, Kala Bora and Chakhao that were collected from ICAR-NRRI, Cuttack, Orissa. The physiological traits like plant height, no. of tillers, leaf and culm length, panicle length and weight, no. and weight of filled and unfilled grain, grain and straw yield, test weight and harvest index etc. were assessed. All the genotypes were sown in an RBD design with three replications. Among the five genotypes, Mymi Hunger and Manipuri Black showed maximum grain production under drought stress followed by Chakhao, Kala Bora and Kalo Bhat respectively. Other characters also respond accordingly and in respect of all the parameters Mymi Hunger was followed by Manipuri Black to show maximum magnitude.

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Head and viscera of horse marckerel (Trachurus lathami): a potential source of enzymes and its compatibility with commercial detergents

Lamas Daniela and Massa Agueda

Page No: 28-37

Fish by-products are rich sources of various enzymes that can be valorized for utilization in several industries. The present work is a potential application of isolated and purified enzymes from viscera and heads of surel (Trachurus lathami). The crude extract was precipitated with ammonium sulphate and purified by a two-step of filtration. Then it was subjected to centrifugation at 10,000g during 30 min at 4°C in ultrafilters membrane with a 100 kDa cut off. This purification protocol showed excellent performance for proteases and lipases. The proteolytic activity was assayed using azocaseín as a substrate at pH 8.0 and 40°C while lipolytic activity was carried out by p-nitrophenol production thorough the reaction at pH 7 and 37°C. The trypsin activity was analyzed against the specific substrate benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide (BApNA). The enzyme extract collected from the ultrafilters membrane with a 100 kDa cut off filter showed a band in SDS-PAGE (22kDa).

The enzymes showed compatibility with some commercial detergents. Additionally, proteolytic and lipolytic activities were tested on soybean oil and spirulina stains and demonstrated powerful capabilities of their removal from cotton fabrics. Considering its promising properties, the purified enzymes from the viscera of the horse mackerel may be considered as a potential candidate for its use in the detergents industry.

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Nano materials as the good nutrient source for Precision Agriculture

Waghmode Shobha, Shete Siddhiprada, Maniwal Priyanka, Patole Vaishnavi and Mulay Shivani

Page No: 38-44

The third wave revolution of the agriculture is Precision Agriculture, which is site specific and soil specific. Since last two decades nanotechnology and biotechnology revolutions are together and beneficial for agriculture. In this work, soil from various states was collected and studied for chemical, physical and microbial way. Nano formulation of required elements were synthesized by using green approach method and each soil was treated with it and further studied for its properties as well as actual plant growth.

It was found that after treatment with nano formulation (NF), more enhancement was observed in properties as well as plant growth. One more surprizing thing is when we mix more number of soils together, we get better results. This way nano materials are helping in precision agriculture.

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The physical and sensory quality of goat meat under the influence of different factors

Khaskheli Asad Ali

Page No: 45-49

The present review was carried out for evaluating physical and sensory quality of goat meat in relation to different factors. It has been found that high levels of glycogen at slaughter assure the production of lactic acid and the ultimate pH. Short-term pre-slaughter transport can cause noticeable changes in stress responses and muscle metabolism in goats. Goats with high pH, high initial lactate concentration and low glycolytic potential could be indication of suffering from chronic and acute stress during pre-slaughter handling. Significant effect of genotype on physical characteristics of goat’s longissimus dorsi muscle was reported.

Further it was noticed that effect of sex, age and weight at slaughter on sensory quality characteristics is significant. The quality measures related to visual aspects (colour, water holding capacity and fatness) and the palatability (juiciness, flavour and aroma) are the key measures that determine consumers’ initial and continued interest in the goat meat. Further, flavour is found to be one of the most important components of sensory evaluation that affects meat acceptability by consumers.

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Remote Control Behavior of Rats and Insects via Electrical Stimulation of the Brain: A review

Sandhu Jagnoor Singh

Page No: 50-53

Dogs have been a loyal partner to man since ages being wisest among the domesticated animals they are used by army and defense approaches, this is only due to the ability of dogs to comply with their owners commands. In cases of emergency involving a condition of panic, even dogs fail to understand/interpret there owner command. To cope up with such situations, a receiver with a battery can be fitted on the body of dog so as to receive commands from the commander from a distant location. Animals can therefore be controlled to some extent with the technology we have today but the installation requires invasive techniques, therefore such techniques should only be used when there is a risk to human life.

The existing methods of controlling are not reliable in situations of panic and chaos as the animal can misinterpret the command In psychological stress, therefore it cannot perform as required to do so. The existing way of guidance can be overtaken by new modern ways as technology evolves. Animals are life forms thereby installing a technical guiding back pack can bring them sufferings due to non-successful surgery and many other reasons of technological barriers. Using animals in such a way is a last option that mankind can have to save itself from any apocalypse or while being a pioneer to multi-planet species.

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