Vol. 10(9) September 2017
Inversion on Viscoelastic Mechanical Parameters of
Concrete Dam based on Bernoulli Neural Network
Zhao Erfeng*, Zhu Yantao and Cao Xin
In view of viscoelastic properties of concrete dam, the
generalized kelvin model has been taken into dam deformation simulation under the
action of rising and persistent water level separately. Furthermore, the inversion
analysis has been carried on concrete dam viscoelastic mechanical parameters to
make full use of the advantage of Bernoulli neural network in nonlinear system simulation.
These methods have already been applied to the world's highest arch dam during impoundment
The result shows the effectiveness of the inversion method on monitoring effects
reflecting dam non-linear deformation behavior. Moreover, arch dam time and space
deformation characteristics has been interpreted from mechanical mechanism when
dam viscoelasticity inversion parameters are used to amend the FEM simulation model.
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Assessment of runoff potential of Tehri sub-watersheds
based on geomorphology and runoff index
Kumar Arunish*, Babbar Richa and Ratha Dwarikanath
The study of response of a basin to any hydrological
phenomenon is crucial for early management of extreme events that can happen on
the basin. By comparing and analyzing the geomorphological parameters of different
watersheds in the basin, one can study the vulnerability of a basin to these extreme
events. In this study, runoff potential of four sub watersheds of Tehri Basin in
India has been evaluated based on three considerations: geomorphology, Snyder’s
Synthetic hydrograph and Runoff index. The area drained by four rivers namely; Jadh
Ganga, Kedar Ganga, Bhagirathi and Bhilangana in Tehri basin is considered for the
A comparative analysis of the four sub watersheds was made based on linear, areal
and relief aspects of geomorphology. The priority weights were derived from pairwise
comparisons of each aspect from experts using Analytical Hierarchical Process. A
cumulative weighted index called runoff index, was thus developed for each watershed.
Based on the observations from each of the three considerations, it was concluded
that Bhilangana watershed has more potential for contributing to flood like situation
in Tehri basin. The usefulness of this study lies in its application to prioritize
the watersheds and to undertake early flood control measures on a basin scale.
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An Empirical Study to identify factors causing Landslides
using Multiple Linear Regression Model (MLR)
Evangelin Ramani Sujatha
Landslides cause social and economic damage to communities
living in the hill and mountain regions of the world. Landslides are caused by a
variety of factors. The effect of these factors in causing landslides depends on
the regional set-up of the area. This investigation reports the major causes of
landslides in the Tevankarai stream watershed. The correlation between landslides
and the factors causing landslides was tested using Pearson’s Correlation. The influence
of selected parameters on landslides was analysed using the Multiple Linear Regression
The study showed that aspect does not appreciably aid in causing a landslide but
soil type, land use and slope significantly contribute to landslides in the Tevankarai
stream watershed, Kodaikanal Taluk, India. Landslide susceptibility map was generated
using a combination of weights obtained from the multiple linear regression model
and frequency ratio. Dense settlements, traffic corridors and intensively cultivated
areas were identified as zones highly susceptible to landslides.
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The spatial distribution of drought index in dry season
in Tien Giang province under representative concentration pathways scenarios 4.5
and 8.5
Hung Dao Ngoc*, Thuong Tran Van* and Hieu Nguyen Trong
The Mekong River Delta and particularly in Tien Giang
Province played crucial duty in providing rice to Viet Nam and over the world more
broadly. However, drought in dry season has influenced around natural, socio-economic
activities and environment, especially in agriculture and water supply. It is projected
that these activities will become more serious in the climate change context.
In this study, the DrinC software was used for calculating Reconnaissance Drought
Index on periods of 1978 – 2015, 2016 – 2035; besides, Lagrange Interpolation Formula
and Inverse Distance Weighting were also applied for interpolating spatio-temporal
values of temperature, rainfall and drought based on the results of RCP 4.5 and
RCP 8.5 scenarios in Vietnam. The maps showed the frequency of drought in dry season
published for predicting spatial distribution of drought index in times of climate
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Integration of TDR based Radio Communication System
for Monitoring of ground movements in Open pit Mines
Guntha Karthik* and Singam Jayanthu
This study presents overview of accidents due to ground
control problems in Indian mines along with the impetus on the need of innovative
applications of trans-disciplinary work for improving safety in mines, and need
based industry oriented research. Recent disaster on 29.12.2016 at about 7 pm due
to slope failure at Rajmahal mines ECL, indicated the lacuna in providing sufficient
information to the employees engaged near the working places about the impending
danger which would have saved few lives with effective online data/alarm to the
persons engaged below the working benches/slopes at right time. Time Domain Reflectometry
(TDR) is gaining widespread attention as a cost-effective method to monitor ground
movements in soil and rock. It has been used successfully for many years to monitor
deep-seated failures in soil deposits and for monitoring many kinds of movements
in rock masses.
This study describes the integration of TDR directly with Arduino boards and XBee
modules for real-time transmission of slope monitoring data as a part of Ministry
of Mines, Government of India (GOI) sponsored project. Laboratory investigations
were conducted using TDR without data logger for real-time transmission of data
generated by TDR. For this purpose, interfacing modules, Arduino boards, XBee modules
are used and software modules are developed using Arduino-Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) Software. The data captured by the TDR was successfully transmitted
using developed integrated system.
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Questionable risk-based dilemma for flood hazards
in modern rural region of China
Qi Shanzhong*, Liu Haili and Sun Weijun*
Previous study indicates that flood hazards in modern
urban region of China frequently occur. In China, the rural region is particularly
more vulnerable to flood hazards than that of cities. This short communication investigates
the risk-based dilemma for flood hazards in modern rural region of China which mainly
reflects in two aspects namely humanistic factors and environmental factors.
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