Vol. 11(2) February 2018
Earth quake resisting compressed stabilsed earth block
buildings- an experimental and analytical study
Lakshmi Keshav*, Srisanthi V.G. and Poorna Kumar N.
The main objective is to promote compressed earth block
building construction along with earthquake resisting features as a tool for sustainable,
energy saving, eco-friendly and affordable housing. For this, six reduced scale
1:3 models of single room building constructed using three types solid, hollow and
modified solid Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEB) from locally available
soil were subjected to Shake table tests. Three models of three different blocks
were constructed with Earthquake Resisting Features [EQRF] that have sill band,
lintel band and vertical bands to control the building vibration and other three
models were without EQRF.
To examine the seismic capacity, the models were subjected to long-period ground
motion and the test specimen were shaken repeatedly until the failure. The test
results from Hi-end Data Acquisition system show that model with EQRF behaves better
than without EQRF.A comparison between the results of tests and the FEM analysis
by ANSYS predictions is made particularly concerning the acceleration, displacement
response and the damage patterns carried out in this research. The data obtained
from the experimental works were given as train set in Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) and a tool was created in Matlab software for analyzing various blocks.
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Simulation study on the seismic continuous collapse
impact distance of building structures
Wu Fengying, Wang Wei* and Ma Donghui
The earthquakes caused the collapse of the buildings
along the street and debris accumulation causing traffic jams and seriously affecting
the disaster relief work. In order to study the collapse debris accumulation of
building structures under the earthquake action and the influence distance of debris
accumulation, a simulation model is established based on the explicit dynamic analysis
software ANSYS/LS-DYNA. Three story masonry structure as an example, simulated the
continuous collapse mode of masonry structure under earthquake.
We divided impact distance of building structure collapse under earthquake into
safety distance during earthquake and main impact distance of debris accumulation
after earthquake and made a statistical research in two parts respectively in terms
of the flying rocks phenomenon in the building collapse process. The results showed
that numerical simulation method can accurately simulate the continuous seismic
collapse failure model of the building structures to provide a new research idea
to study the seismic collapse impact distance of building structures.
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Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithm for Identifying
Key Actors in Covert Networks
Geetha R.* and Karthika Veera
Social Network Analysis has become one of the emerging
approaches to analyze the social structure of real time networking patterns that
are formed either formally or informally. This study presents the comparison of
classical machine learning algorithms like Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees,
Bayesian, k-means and Expectation Maximization for classifying and clustering the
small world problem by analyzing a covert network dataset. Since the covert networks
comprises of lot of unknown and incomplete data, classification becomes tedious
and uncertain.
The Support Vector Machine and Decision Trees are suitable for analyzing the covert
networks because of its ability to classify non-linear solutions efficiently whereas
the uncertainty of covert networks can be handled with Bayesian networks. Since
the clustering mechanisms uses maximum likelihood of data to find clusters, Expectation
Maximization (EM) and k-means algorithms are selected for clustering the covert
network attributes.
On applying these algorithms over 9/11 dataset, it is found that Bayesnet shows
maximum precision and recall of about 0.963 and 0.961 respectively. Decision Tree
algorithm is applied and a set of rules are generated identifying the critical attributes
with 90.20% accuracy from which the critical actors can be recognized. The Bayesnet
and Naïve Bayes models perform better than Support Vector Machine algorithms. All
three algorithms identify a set of 5 attributes namely live together, ticket booking,
flight members who board AA_11, AA_77 and UA_93 out off 65 as very crucial and highly
influential in executing the organized events and social processes.
The Expectation Maximization algorithms show maximum log likelihood values and simple
k-means algorithm shows minimum value for sum of squared error when the actors are
grouped into 3 clusters. Thus, on examining the covert network structure with supervised
and unsupervised algorithms, the key attribute of an actor is identified based on
which the actor is determined to be an influential individual or the most dominant
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GRG Optimization of Prestressed Rolled Steel Compact
Ponnada Markandeya Raju
Structural steel is a stressed mineral resource. Its
sustainability can be improved by its optimized utilization. This study is to determine
the optimized parameters for prestressed the steel beams. IS Rolled Sections are
taken for the analysis. Spreadsheets are developed to determine the pre-stressing
force, eccentricity and optimized section parameters of the steel beams for various
spans. MS EXCEL Solver is used to optimize the parameters. It is concluded that
design bending compressive strength of beam inversely proportional to the span of
the beam, hence load carrying capacity of the beam decreases with increase in the
span but % increase in the load carrying capacity increases with the span of the
Load carrying capacity increased by 13 to 122 % in rolled sections and in case of
welded sections it is 8 to 50 %. Deflections decreased by 59 to 95 % in rolled sections
and in case of welded sections it is 59 to 92 %. For the efficiency of pre-stressing
i.e. to attain increment in the load carrying capacity and decrement in the deflection
of the steel beams, the stress ratio (P/Afbd) must be in the range of 0.43 to 0.75
for Rolled sections and in case of welded sections it is in the range of 0.45 to
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Grassland environmental hazards of the Gannan region
in Gansu province of China, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Zhang Xuexia, Sheng Wenfei and Qi Shanzhong*
Grassland degradation has been an environmental hazard
problem and occurs frequently in China especially in the high-cold grassland region
of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The Gannan region, located on the northeast edge of
the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, is a major area suffering from environmental hazard
of grasslands. Natural threats and human activities, especially the latter, caused
grasslands degradation of the region in the recent decades. This short communication
investigates grassland environment hazards in the Gannan region such as grassland
sandification and vegetation degeneracy and analyzes its causation.
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