Vol. 11(3) March 2018
Investigation of Sidoarjo Mud Volcano (“LUSI”) Impact
on the Subsurface using Geomagnetic Method at Sidoarjo District, Indonesia
Susilo Adi* and Sunaryo Sunaryo
Geomagnetic research has been conducted in Sidoarjo Mud
Volcano (LUSI = Lumpur Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo Mud), Sidoarjo District, East Java, Indonesia.
This mud volcano has a significant impact both on the surface, the environment and
on subsurface conditions. The investigation and evaluation of the impact of subsurface
structures are not widely known. Approximately 300 magnetic data were collected
in the surrounding area of 3.5km x 3km. The data field measurement results are called
total magnetic field anomaly ranging from -173.2 nT to 539.6 nT (nano Tesla). After
all, corrections were made, the results of the residual anomaly were between -421.7
nT and 265.5 nT. Quantitative modeling/interpretation is done by connecting a pair
of dipole grip (magnetic is a dipole, while gravity is a monopole).
There are three subsurface modeling sections: SP1N, SPN and SP2E. Susceptibility
of rock modeling results shows ranges between -0.066 SI to 0.076 SI. The modeling
results also indicate the presence of local fault lead Northwest to the Southeast
and from Southwest to the Northeast. Local fault indications are located in the
west and east of the study site at a depth of approximately 1.5 km below the surface.
Through this local fault, it is possible that the mud can come out to the surface.
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Assessing sediment yield in Mahanadi basin using GIS
and SWAT model
Acharya Rajashree and Samantaray Sandeep*
Assessing sediment yield in Mahanadi basin using GIS
and SWAT model Abstract Longest earthen dam in Asia i.e. Hirakud dam has been affected
by sedimentation problem which affects reservoir storage capacities and different
reservoir operations. The actual survey is fulfilled with the aim of developing
a trust worthy hydrologic model simulating stream flow discharge and sediment concentration
with least uncertainty among the parameters picked out for calibration so as to
verify the effect of the scenarios on the special distribution of sediment yield.
This study presents the hydrological modelling of the Basantpur sub-basin in Mahanadi
basin located in the State Odisha in India, using SWAT with an interface of Arc
View geographic information system software to predict sediment transport to the
reservoir for improving its useful life.
The study involves the analysis of sensitive parameters of the simulated data 4
years calibration and 4 years validation on daily basis to predict the discharge
and sediment load. The analysis was carried out using statistical parameter. The
results also show that the prediction of sediment yield is highly sensitive to the
sizes of different sub- basin due to sensitivity of topographic factors used in
the modified Universal Soil Loss Equation. Model calibration and Validation were
performed on monthly time period basis.
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Prediction of Seismic Tremor Magnitude for Andaman-Nicobar
Islands using Artificial Neural Network
Kamath R.S.* and Kamat R.K.
We report artificial neural network (ANN) model for anticipating
the magnitude of seismic tremor for Andaman-Nicobar Islands. We have used the earthquake
dataset derived from European-Mediterranean Seismological Center in this work. This
work exhibits performance evaluation for various ANN configurations and neural network
structures and compares the prediction accuracy. The reported investigations depict
optimum ANN architecture achieved by tuning the parameters viz. network type, training
function, transfer function and number of neurons in hidden neurons. ANN architecture,
thus derived entails nonlinear sigmoid activation function for hidden layer and
Levenberg-Marquardt back propagation method for training the model.
Moreover, the performance of the model is evaluated with reference to Mean Squared
Error (MSE), Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) and Gradient (g). Validation of
the model has portrayed reasonably good prediction accuracy.
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Performance of self-compacting concrete using different
waste materials and industrial by-products
Adil Dar M.*, Subramanian N., Dar A.R. and Taiyib A. Dar
Due to the versatility of concrete as a construction
material, it is utilized in large quantities world over. The use of concrete leads
to substantial depletion of natural resources, especially in the form of aggregates.
Different waste materials as well as various industrial by-products, have enormous
potential to replace such natural resources and restrain their unreasonable use
to the point of depletion, thus maintaining sustainability. Self-compacting concrete
(SCC) is a flowing concrete mixture that has the ability to consolidate under its
own self-weight without undergoing large segregation. To check the feasibility of
utilizing different waste materials and industrial by-products in concrete, extensive
research has been carried out to develop high-quality and grade of SCC.
The present paper presents the recent advancements in developing SCC by utilizing
different waste materials and industrial by-products. The paper reviews the influence
of utilizing such waste materials as partial/complete replacement of aggregates/cement
and the performance of SCC both at green as well as the hardened state.
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A review on groundwater investigations using remote
sensing in India
Hasnat Mariya and Singh Priyamvada*
Groundwater systems are affected by human activities,
global warming and climate changes, so there is a need to maintain the condition
of its resources within the limits of sustainable development. The spatial information
technology i.e. remote sensing and GIS play an ideal role to find out the problems
of water resources and management. Geospatial technologies are cost effective, time
saving and also provide interactive approaches to researcher. Remote Sensing and
GIS play an important role for the analysis of groundwater at global, regional or
local level. This study shows how the geospatial technique is useful for underground
water exploration and its applications in different fields.
This paper presents a review on applications of remote sensing in groundwater. This
review could not cover all of the publications related to groundwater but it gives
a roadmap of studies available in literature. In the present review, first of all
some basic concepts of remote sensing, GIS and groundwater are discussed very briefly.
After that different techniques related to groundwater potential zones are discussed
with suitable examples.
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