Vol. 11(9) September 2018
Coral Reef in Center of Coral Biodiversity (Coral
Triangle): The Pulau Lirang, Southwest Moluccas (MBD)
Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi*, Muhammad Arif Asadi and Teguh Agustiadi
Southwest Moluccas was given three important ecosystems
in a tropical area, they were mangrove, seagrass and coral reef. Through Serambi
Tanah Air expedition we succeed collecting and mapping those resources. Type of
coral reef in the Pulau Lirang was fringing reef that cycled the island. Six stations
were decided to obtain coral reef data. We used point intercept transect 2 x 50
m in each station in varied depth between 3-7 m.
The result of the study showed that the average of life coral cover in the Pulau
Lirang was 33.75% with the highest coverage in station 6 as 54%. The highest coral
dead cover was found in station 3 and it was 40.5% in coverage. Competition among
sessile organism, strong current and sedimentation was suggested as a threat in
this island.
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Seismic response of buildings with Soil structure
interaction – A new design methodology
Palaniappan Meyyappan
Structures are usually designed on the assumption that
the structures are linearly elastic and they remain linearly elastic when subjected
to dynamic excitation. In this paper, a new design methodology is presented by incorporating
NEHRP provisions into IS 1893-2002 codal provisons for evaluating the seismic response
of buildings by considering soil structure interaction (SSI) effects. A sample problem
of two storey building frame is taken to study the SSI effects of small and large
strain levels of soils for different zones and also for different types of soils.
It is observed that by considering SSI effects, seismic responses of buildings are
increased up to 50 - 60% in time period and reduction in base shear around 10%.
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Resilience of Soil and Structure of Lahor Dam by means
of Seismic Vulnerability Index Data
Sunaryo*, Adi Susilo and Arief Andy Soebroto
Research entitled resilience of soil and structure of
Lahor Dam by means of seismic vulnerability index data has been carried out to obtain
a knowledge of the resilience of the Lahor dam caused by the earthquake. The acquisition
of microseismic data that will be used to calculate the value of the seismic vulnerability
index is carried out at the location points distributed in the body of the dam and
the exhaust side at a number of 35 measuring points in the form of a grid with a
distance between grid points around 100m. The acquired data is then processed by
the HVSR method to obtain amplification factors (A0), dominant frequency (f0), dominant
period (T0) and seismic vulnerability index (Kg).
Based on the processing and interpretation results, the values A0 1.13 - 6.57 are
located at the points MZL31 and MZL29 with an average value of A0 is 3.22. For f0,
values of 0.63Hz - 19.05Hz are obtained at points MZL05 and MZL28 with an average
value of 4.36Hz. For T0, values of 0.05s - 1.58s are achieved at points MZL05 and
MZL28 with an average value of 0.59s, whereas for Kg obtained, values of 0.27 -
17.31 are located in MZL31 and MZL09 with an average value of 5.68. This data shows
the weak resilience of soil and structure of the Lahor dam is in the zone of the
body on the exhaust side which is characterized by a high Kg value with lithology
of alluvial sediment and landfill.
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Development of Rainfall-Runoff Model using FFBPNN
and LRNN for Silchar City- A Case Study
Annayat Wajahat*, Sundar Briti Sil and Gupta Ajay
For highly nonlinear and complex problems like rainfall
run-off models, artificial neural networks (ANNS) are highly developed empirical
models available and are increasingly common in the analysis of hydrology and water
resource problems. The aim of this study was to develop rainfall run-off models
for Barak basin. In this study, feed-forward back propagation neural network (FFBPNN)
and layer recurrent neural network (LRNN) are used to predict runoff during monsoon
period. The performance of both the models (FFBPNN, LRNN) for run-off over 33 years
of data (1979-2011) has been evaluated for two watersheds namely Katakhal and Sonai
of Barak basin.
Two neural networks with the evaluation criteria mean square error (MSE), root mean
square error (RMSE) and coefficient of regression (R2) FFBPNN perform best with
architecture 3-9-1 following Logsig function. This study confirms that FFBPNN and
LRNN are useful techniques for predicting run-off in both of the watersheds of Barak
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