Vol. 12(6) June 2019
Challenges faced for Installation of Emergency Restoration
System (ERS) in the Major Natural Disaster Hit High Voltage Transmission Lines in
Tamil Selvan M. and Kodi Malar
Page No. 1-8
High Voltage Transmission lines are subjected to several
natural disasters like earthquake, flood, landslides, hurricanes etc. Power line
failure due to these scenarios makes a severe financial damage to consumers, utilities
and the power producing agencies. Also, transmission line failures occur due to
harsh weather and non-climatic reasons such as human errors and mechanical failures.
While it is impossible to prevent all such situations, electrical utility officials
and contractors have to be equipped to meet such emergencies.
Emergency Restoration System (ERS) structures are temporary solution designed to
bypass the existing transmission towers of any voltage in any terrain. They will
be used until the main line is re-conductored or restored. Planning includes determining
which transmission lines are important and the possible ways in which they can fail
and how best to restore them. This includes general information about existing structures
and foundations, data on past weather-related failures, weather criteria and structural
loading and the extent of damages. In this study, we are analyzing various challenges
faced due to the major transmission lines failures in India during various past
natural disasters. Supply of continuous power will be the most important aspect
of a transmission line network during emergency time.
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Drivers of Natural Hazards Vulnerability in Urban
Waterfront of Alexandria, Egypt
Tawfik Sahar, Ragab Tarek and Darwish Mennatallah
Page No. 9-14
Natural hazards are a serious threat to urban areas with
a heavy concentration of population growth and economic activity along with a fast
rate of unplanned urban development. Extreme events expose Alexandria highly to
potential adverse consequences that lead to considerable damage and loss of natural
and cultural heritage. Climate change combined with many complications such as land
subsidence and informal settlements, have adverse effects on its coastal areas.
The evaluation of the city’s vulnerability to such implications shows a gradual
increase in marine submersion risk and coastal erosion. This study aims to identify
the relation between the city’s characteristics and document its vulnerabilities
to provide a tool for urban planning. The results reveal a gradual increase of coastal
resource’s vulnerability highlighting the importance of the formulation of the appropriate
adaptation strategies and approaches.
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Comparing Seismicity Parameters for Different Seismic
Zones in Warangal
Mohammad Muzzaffar Khan and Gonavaram Kalyan Kumar
Page No. 15-25
In this study, the spatial variation of b-value has been
investigated to identify the frequency of a particular magnitude earthquake to occur.
The study area is considered for a radius of 500 km with NIT Warangal as centre
(lat. 17.591 and long. 79.533). The earthquake data for the period from 1800 AD
to 2016 AD is used in the analysis. The b-value has been calculated for two scenarios.
In the first scenario, the whole study region is considered as one seismic source
zone whereas in the second scenario, the considered study region was divided into
four seismic source zones. The b-value has been investigated by adopting the maximum
likelihood method and least square method.
The magnitude of completeness (MC) was analyzed using Entire Magnitude Range (EMR)
technique in ZMAP software package. The maximum magnitude (mmax) has been estimated
for each seismic zone using the Kijko-Sellevoll-Bayes procedure. Significant variations
in seismicity parameters have been observed in four seismic zones. The b-value is
ranging from b ≈ 0.7 to 1.13 whereas the mmax value ranges from 5.18 to 6.65. This
data can be used in further research to develop a higher understanding of the earthquake
hazard at the regional level.
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Performance of Flood Prediction Model in Tropical
River Basin, Indonesia: A Synthetic Unit Hydrograph-based Evaluation
I. Gede Tunas
Page No. 26-37
The major issue in flood mitigation scheme is how to
predict the flood peak in a region based on a certain rainfall event. Many approaches
have been developed including rational, statistical, empirical and synthetic unit
hydrographs (SUH) models. This study aims to evaluate the performance of flood prediction
models especially SUH-based models. This study was carried out in six medium-sized
watersheds based on the eight most popular synthetic hydrograph models in Indonesia
comprising Snyder, Nakayasu, Soil Conservation Service (SCS), GAMA I, ABG, Limantara,
ITB-1 and ITB-2. The performance of these models was evaluated by comparing the
basic parameters of synthetic unit hydrographs with the basic parameters of the
observed unit hydrographs expressed by relative error. The Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency
(NSE) and the coefficient of determination (r2) were also applied to measure the
performance of the models.
The results revealed that the eight evaluated SUH models showed performance with
varying levels of deviation mostly above 30% and NSE and r2 values mostly below
0.8. Based on the average deviation of the three basic hydrograph parameters (Qp,
Tp and Tb), the best-performing SUH models were ITB-1 for Qp (15.6%), Limantara
for Tp (3.9%) and ABG for Tb (20%). Based on NSE and r2, the SUH model with the
best performance was Limantara (NSE=92; r2=0.95). The best performance of the model
is expressed by the highest score of the five indicators. Based on all those indicators,
it can be inferred that the GAMA I is the most accurate model with the highest score
of performance in the study area. This model can be applied for flood prediction
in other unmeasured watersheds in Indonesia with similar morphometric characteristics.
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Analysis of Long-term Extreme Weather Events and Prediction
of Natural Disaster-Prone Regions of the Himalayas using PRECIS Regional Climate
Model (RCM)
Tamil Selvan M.
Page No. 38-46
Himalayan region is the source of ten major Asian rivers,
so the region is called as the Water Tower of Asia. With high elevations and holding
large mass of ice and debris cover, Himalayan region has been recognized as one
of the most fragile areas susceptible to climate change effects. Last decade reported
highest number of disasters and greater spatial coverage as compared to the earlier
decades. In this study, analysis of various climatic datasets has been done over
period of time. From the long-term analysis, various extreme weather events have
been identified based on their intensity and classified accordingly.
In this study, high-resolution regional climate model (RCM), PRECIS (Providing Regional
Climates for Impacts Studies) is used to project future climate scenario over the
Himalayan region for impact assessment. PRECIS model was analyzed by comparing its
baseline simulation daily weather data on temperature and precipitation patterns
with other observed weather data for the corresponding period in order to find out
the bias in the model. The result shows that the western regional disturbances will
become more frequent, elevating the probability that winter snowfall in the Karakorum
and western Himalayas will increase in frequency and amount.
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A Review on the Response of Mangroves to the Climatic
Srinidhi N.S., Lingaswamy Manchala and Anji Reddy M.
Page No. 47-51
Mangroves at the coastal frontier are being degraded
at an alarming rate due to their ecological and economical importance. “A world
without Mangroves” article has clearly stated that every year about 1 to 2%, a rate
greater than or equal to declines in the coastal areas. The major factors contributing
for the loss and degradation are underestimating the total economic value and the
human impacts. The loss of mangroves can affect biodiversity, environment and the
livelihood of the people depending on them. The various factors of natural and anthropogenic
factors contributing to the degradation of mangroves are natural disasters, urbanization,
aquaculture, agriculture, tourism and environmental pollution.
Other effects like global warming, rising water due to the melting of the ice caps,
climate change, ocean currents, salinity and surface temperatures could be significant
threats to mangrove cover and biodiversity. Mangrove area, structure and species
composition of mangroves are expected to alter in the position due to climatic changes.
The present study discusses on the response of mangroves to the climatic changes
and the alternatives for mitigating the adverse effects.
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