Vol. 16(12) December 2023
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2. Optimizing the accuracy of flood extent mapping
using multitemporal stack of Sentinel-1 SAR data with machine learning approach
for Wardha River, Chandrapur District (India)
Pusdekar Prashant N. and Dudul Sanjay V.
Page No. 12-19;
doi: https://doi.org/10.25303/1612da012019;
Full Text
3. Dynamic Changes in Coastal Geomorphology of Shiroda
Coasts, using Remote Sensing and GIS: An Approach to Climate Change and Coastal
Disaster Risk
Sapkale J.B., Mane M.M., Susware N.K. and Sapkale S.J.
Page No. 20-32;
doi: https://doi.org/10.25303/1612da020032;
Full Text
4. Shoreline change pattern analysis of Nagapattinam
coastal stretch, Tamilnadu, India using digital shoreline analysis system (DSAS)
Periyasamy Ramki, Ganesan Kannan, Sundar Sajimol, Chokkalingam Lakshumanan and Moorthy
Page No. 33-41;
doi: https://doi.org/10.25303/1612da033041;
Full Text
5. Evaluation of optical multi-spectral satellite
data for crop type and land cover identification in Marathwada, India: a disaster
management perspective
Kale Shashikant Rangnathrao, Holambe Raghunath Sambhaji and Chile Rajan Hari
Page No. 42-54;
doi: https://doi.org/10.25303/1612da042054;
Full Text