Disaster Management
and Landslide Risk Reduction Strategies in The Gebog Sub-District of Kudus Regency,
Central Java, Indonesia
Tjahjono Heri, Hanafi Fahrudin, Trihatmoko Edy, Findayani Aprilia and Miftahurridlo
Disaster Advances; Vol. 17(4); 25-39;
doi: https://doi.org/10.25303/174da025039; (2024)
Historically, the Kudus Regency in Central Java Province, Indonesia, has been prone
to landslides. This study was conducted in the Gebog Sub-District of Kudus Regency,
Central Java, Indonesia. The objectives of this study are: (1) to analyze the level
of landslide disaster risk in the Gebog Sub-District, (2) to assess the current
community-based landslide risk management activities undertaken by the local population
in the Gebog Sub-District and (3) to formulate community-based landslide risk reduction
management strategies to mitigate landslide risk. Variables for the level of landslide
disaster risk include landslide hazards/threats, vulnerability to landslide hazards
and community capacity to deal with landslides. Variables related to the management
of landslide risk studied encompass pre-disaster, during-disaster and post-disaster
activities by the community.
Meanwhile, the variables for community-based landslide risk reduction management
strategies include threat reduction, vulnerability reduction and enhancing community
capacity before, during and after a landslide disaster. The research design is based
on field surveys with 99 individuals as research subjects and 33 field units as
samples. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews and analysis was
conducted using scoring and ranking. The research findings indicate that the current
community-based landslide risk management activities are still low. From the research
and focus group discussions, new strategies for community-based landslide risk reduction
management were identified to reduce landslide risk.