Evaluation of
seismic hazard for Cuttack District, Odisha using regional attenuation models
Mishra Satyaprakash, Sil Arjun and Das Amit Kumar
Disaster Advances; Vol. 17(10); 8-17;
doi: https://doi.org/10.25303/1710da08017; (2024)
This research conducts a comprehensive seismic hazard analysis for Cuttack District,
Odisha, India, utilizing both deterministic and probabilistic approaches within
a 300 km radius of Cuttack city. An earthquake catalog, spanning from 1837 to 2022
AD, has been compiled and homogenized using local empirical relationships. The completeness
of this catalog is assessed via the Cumulative Visual Inspection (CUVI) method.
Seismicity parameters and maximum magnitudes for various sources are meticulously
evaluated. Ground motion estimates are derived from faults within the study area
using region-specific Ground Motion Prediction Models (GMPMs), with normalized weight
factors assigned to each model through the Log-Likelihood (LLH) method.
The seismic hazard is quantified by peak ground acceleration (PGA) and hazard curves
are generated to evaluate PGA values at 2%, 5% and 10% probabilities of exceedance
over 50 and 100 years. Uniform Hazard Spectra (UHS) are developed for spectral periods
ranging from 0.0 to 2.5 seconds. The results show excellent agreement with previous
studies. Additionally, a spatial variation map of PGA values for the district indicates
that PGA values range from 0.0392g to 0.102g.