Vol. 6(2) February 2013
Dynamic responses of anchored rock slope under earthquake
- A numerical study
Peng Ningbo1,2*and Yan Zhixin 1,2
In this study, FLAC3D is applied to stimulate the dynamic
responses of anchored and unanchored rock slope under earthquake. The horizontal
displacements of the surface, top and inside of slope at different elevations,axial
force of rock bolt and interaction between rock bolt and the surrounding rocks are
presented and discussed. The average tensile strain and nominal shear strain are
defined and employed acting as the criteria for slope failure and reinforcement
effects of rock bolt. The results show that rock bolt can reduce shear strain effectively
of lower slope and decrease the tensile strain of upper slope. The Fourier analysis
is used for further study of dynamic characteristics of slope. The acceleration
Fourier spectrum displays that the acceleration amplitude increases as the elevation
rises. What is noticeable is that it is at slope shoulder that strong vibration
of single frequency occurs. Comparative study shows the effect of strengthening
rock mass using rock bolt resembles that of increasing elastic modulus and reducing
Poisson’s ratio of rock mass. The results show that rock bolt can significantly
improve the anti-seismic capacity of anchored slope.
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Cold Sea Waters Induced by Cyclogenesis in the East
Choi Hyo
The occurrence of cold sea waters induced by cyclogenesis
along the eastern coastal sea of Korean peninsula was investigated from March 28
through 30, 2004, using NOAA MCSST sea surface temperature (SST) satellite pictures
and a three-dimensional Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF)-version 3.3
with a one way-triple techniques. On March 28, westerly wind under a high pressure
prevailed in the Gangneung coast and the open sea produced northeastward wind driven
current, resulting in the northward intrusion of warm sea waters by the East Korea
Warm Current toward the north along the Korean eastern coast. Under this situation,daily
mean SST near Gangneung coastal sea and open seas of the East Sea were 10.50C. On
March 29, low pressure with cold front in Bohai Sea between China and Korea produced
a cyclonic air flow, which could cause strong southwesterly marine surface wind
in the Korean eastern coastal sea near the study area and a strong southeastward
wind driven current. This current resulted in both upwelling of deep cold waters
towards the sea surface and spreading outward in the coastal sea and the intrusion
of cold waters of the North Korea Cold Current from the Korean northeastern coast
toward Gangneung city along the coastline. On March 30, as the low pressure of 1013
hPa was more intensified with a decrease of 5 hPa to 1008 hPa in the East Sea (cyclogenesis)
could cause the strong intrusion of cold waters from the northeastern coast into
the southeastern and its cold front passed by the study area, both northwesterly
wind along the coast and westerly wind in the offshore, resulting in a cold sea
outbreak of 90C with a decrease of 1.50C than one on March 28.
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Bhuj Earthquake 2001 - Study of Traditional Practices
for Inclusion in Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness Strategy
Macwan Jayesh George
This study focuses on the necessity of developing a network
to collect data of various traditional practices as forecasting tools for earthquake
prediction so that these could be included in mitigation and preparedness strategy.
Before Bhuj earthquake 2001, some abnormal incidents and homely events were observed.
These types of events/incidents, when corroborated in other earthquakes can give
indication of expected earthquake but exact place and time may be known only with
the help of other scientific tools.
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Numerical Validation of First Passage Failure Probability
about Wind-Induced Buffeting Response in Long-span bridges
Zhao L. and Ge Y.J.
Based on the current buffeting theories and reliability
assessment methods, a numerical simulation approach to the first passage probability
for a long-span bridge under buffeting actions is developed. The response spectrum
analysis method is first adopted to calculate buffeting response in the frequency
domain. The time history of structural responses induced by buffeting is numerically
simulated by trigonometry series compose approach based on the buffeting spectrum
results. While a large amount of samples are generated by Monte-Carlo simulation
technique, it is relatively easy to numerically obtain the probability of first
passage failure in buffeting responses of a long-span bridge. Two numerical examples
referring to buffeting deflections of Jiangyin Suspension Bridge and Yangpu Cablestayed
Bridge in China have been considered. Compared with the corresponding results of
three approximately analytical approaches, it can be concluded that the proposed
numerical method is quite precise and effective in their use and hence can be exactly
used in calculating, especially in detailed design stages, the probability of bridge
buffeting responses surpassing the prescribed safety barriers during its service
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Experimental study on the permeability of phyllite
under unloading confining pressure and high temperature
Meng Lubo and Li Tianbin
Permeability experiments on the deformation and failure
processes in phyllites were carried out using a MTS815 Flex Test GT instrument under
unloading confining pressure and high-temperature conditions. The permeability of
phyllite in deformation and failure processes was analyzed and the relationship
between permeability and volume strain was discussed. The effect of temperature
on the permeability of phyllite was studied. Results show that the deformation and
penetrability of phyllites can be divided into four phases: elastic compression
deformation, elastic expansion deformation, expansion damage and after-failure phase.
The rock penetrability is small and remains nearly unchanged during the elastic
compression deformation phase, but obviously increases during the elastic expansion
deformation phase. The rock permeability during the elastic expansion deformation
phase is 2.4 times higher than that during the elastic compression deformation phase.
The rock permeability during the expansion damage phase is 3.3 times higher than
that during the elastic compression deformation phase. The permeability after rock
failure is 8.5 times higher than that during the elastic compression deformation
phase. Unloading confining pressure causes strong expansion of the rock volume,
which leads to higher rock penetrability under unloading than under loading conditions.
The test temperature is lower than the phyllite thermal rupture threshold temperature
and the phyllite permeability decreases with increased temperature.
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Investigation on Behaviour Aspects of Tsunami Resistant
Structures – An Experimental Study
Palaniappan Meyyappan1*, Thimmayan Sekar2 and Chandrasekaran Sivapragasam1
The studies on tsunami resistant buildings are still
in its inception. Many works have been reported on various model studies to investigate
the pressure variation due to tsunami force created under the laboratory conditions.
This work suggests model studies carried out directly near the sea coast, particularly
to reflect the behaviour of foundation of building to tsunami loads. The study also
considers the effect of shape of building and the type of building materials that
will be suited for tsunami effect. The investigations reveal that in general, circular
buildings are better suited than the conventional rectangular shaper buildings.
Further, the presence of openings is an added advantage.
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Permo-Triassic Deposits of Shorjestan Area, Central
Iran: The Palynological Report of the Greatest Phanerozoic Disaster in Iran
Noroozpour H.,1* Yousefi Rad M.2, Arian M.1, Solgi A.1 and Nezam Vafa N.3
Upper Permian deposits of Shorjestan area, central Iran
included marly limestone, red to amethystine limestone with layers of red, green
and gray shales followed by lower Triassic deposits as continuous with dark shale
lithology, marly limestone, red and green shales and igneous rocks. In studied sequence
there are terrestrial and rarely marine palynomorphs with low varieties and frequencies
and fair preservation. Hambast Formation deposits are attributed to Upper Permian
on the basis of stratigraphic distribution of some palynomorphs such as Florinites
balmei, Alisporites nuthallensis, Vittatina lata, Laevigatosporites ovatus. Aforementioned
palynoflora are common with some parts of Saudi Arabia Upper Permian palynoflora
(OSPZ6 assemblage zone, Changhsingian). Regarding mass extinction of end-Permian
and disappearance of most vegetation and lack of time for recovery, it may find
palynoflora with low varieties such as Alisporites sp., Falcisporites sp. and fungal
spores in lower Triassic deposits of studied section. Notable frequencies of fungal
spores and plant tissues in lower Triassic deposits probably are related to vegetation
disappearance in boundary of Permo-Triassic (PTB) and aggregation of corruptible
organic matters.
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Reliability and Vulnerability Analysis Methodology
for Comprehensive Transportation Systems under Influence of Disasters
Yan Xuedong* and Zhao Hui
Because of the historical disasters’ serious threats
to comprehensive transportation systems, the reliability and vulnerability assessment
for the systems has become one of the key performance indicators. The methodology
for analyzing the reliability and vulnerability of comprehensive transportation
networks is presented. A disaster influence matrix for evaluating the risks in comprehensive
transportation systems is discussed.
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