Vol. 6(3) March 2013
Formation Mechanism of Deep Cracks in the Left Bank
Slope of Jinping-I Hydropower Station
Guan Rong 1,2*, Jun Peng1, Xiaojiang Wang1, Guang Liu1 and Di Hou1
The Jinping-I hydropower station sits in the west of
Great River Bend of Yalongjiang River. Deep cracks are well developed in the slope
of the hydropower station. This study is focused on formation mechanism of deep
cracks in the left bank slope of Jinping-I hydropower station. Characteristics of
in-situ stress in the dam site and the development law of deep cracks in the slope
of Jinping-I hydropower station are analyzed. Finally, development of the river
valley of Jinping-I hydropower station is simulated by adopting three dimensional
distinct element code (3DEC) and variation of stress field as well as distribution
of deformation and unloading in different stages of the river valley erosion are
discussed. Based on the results and basic law of deformation and in-situ stress
of the slope valley, it can be indicated that deep cracks developed in the left
bank slope of Jinping-I hydropower station resulting from failure of rock masses
which are controlled by the original dominated tectonic fractures. The failure is
caused by the regional concentrated stress at the elevation of (EL.) 1700~1850 m
in the slope during the process of valley erosion leaded by fast crust uplift and
quick river erosion
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On the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Flood and
Drought Hazards of China
Jia Huicong1 and Pan Donghua2
The flood and drought hazards have been getting more
serious attention since 1990’s. And they become the obstacle factors constraining
China's agriculture and sustainable economic development. This paper selected 2,359
county units and with disasters frequency as flood-drought hazard assessment index,
through hazard digital mapping, the spatial and temporal patterns were analyzed
and hence understood the flood-drought high risk zone and the transfer causing factors,
presented disaster prevention measures for the high-risk zones. In sum, the key
areas of preventing and controlling flood and drought disaster should be Northeast
Plain, central and eastern Inner Mongolia, North China Plain, the northern part
of Shaanxi Province, the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River Basin, Yunnan-Guizhou
Plateau, the southeast coastal region and northern Xinjiang.
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Measuring System of Adverse Weather Phenomena
Radinović D. and Ćurić M.
A measuring system of adverse weather phenomena by unification
of threshold scales and their units has been defined. All threshold scales of adverse
weather phenomena have been reduced to three different types: standard frequency
distribution, decile method and Beaufort scale. Their units are: standard deviation,
decile of frequency and unit of the Beaufort scale. Four steps for each threshold
scale are defined: normal, above normal, much above normal and extraordinary above
normal or normal, below normal, much below normal and extraordinary below normal.
The examples by observations of Meteorological Observatory in Belgrade are presented.
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Root Sum of Squares Cumulative Velocity: An Attribute
for Earthquake Early Warning
Bhardwaj R.,* Kumar A. and Sharma M.L
A practical approach for mitigating earthquake risk may
be the Earthquake Early Warning (EEW). An EEW system is capable of issuing a warning
few seconds prior to arrival of approaching ground motion to the populated and other
vulnerable area. In this study a simple and robust algorithm based on the exceedance
of specified threshold time domain amplitude levels has been discussed for automatic
primary wave onset (P-onset) detection and EEW analysis. The algorithm has been
applied on combined strong motion database (KNET+PEER-NGA) and tested on Indian
strong motion database which demonstrates satisfactory results. The databases are
processed to compute two parameter, root sum of squares cumulative velocity (RSSCV)
and cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) respectively and compared with specified
threshold levels. In case of automatic P-onset detection, an accuracy of around
71% and 76% has been achieved for combined dataset and Indian dataset respectively,
for a time difference of 0.1 sec. The estimated threshold levels for RSSCV and CAV
attribute are 10 cm/sec and 41 cm/sec respectively. Percentage of correct P- onset
pick as well as correct alarms estimation using RSSCV and CAV attributes has been
discussed in details. Individual station vote for RSSCV and CAV values have been
used to detect the occurrence of a major earthquake (M ≥ 6) and provide onsite warning
within seconds after the arrival of the primary waves in the area around the station.
When the array of stations is available, the approach can be applied to multistation
data, a three stations vote method and average of event vote method have been used
in this study.
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Wind induced Buffeting Reliability of Long-span Cable-stayed
Bridge using Stochastic Finite Element Method
Lin Zhao and Yaojun G.E.*
Using the present wind-induced buffeting theories and
the stochastic finite element methods (SFEM), failure probability about complex
structures such as long-span cable-stayed bridges, is computed considering its more
realistic behaviors by means of combining parameter sensitivity analysis technique
with advanced first-order reliability method (AFORM) in the light of mode shape
iteration method. In this process, several key stochastic factors i.e. aerodynamic
loading, material properties and geometry characters, are analyzed quantitatively.
Then the general methodology of buffeting probability assessment for long-span bridges
cable-stayed is proposed. Finally, the buffeting assessment of the East Sea Bridge
is selected as a numerical example and a series of steps, including mean wind prediction,
stochastic wind field simulation, stochastic buffeting analysis are carried out
with some important conclusions, in which the effects about aerodynamic admittance
functions, returnperiods and several other stochastic factors on buffeting failure
probability for long-span cable-stayed bridges are compared.
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Natural Disasters and Average Temperature in China
Chen Sha1 and Xiaoli Bi2*
As the global climate change intensifies, it has led
to more frequent and intensified natural disasters in China. Here we employed a
linear regression to analyze the relationship between the frequency of natural disasters
and the average temperature of 194 national stations in China from 1951 to 2011.
The results indicate that earthquake (seismic activity), flood and storm are strongly
affected by the climate. If the average temperature in China increases by 1 oC,
the occurrence of earthquake(seismic activity), flood and storm would increase by
2, 4 and 4 occurrences per year respectively.
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Lateral Resistance of a Single Vertical Pile installed
near Geogrid-Reinforced Slope
Zomorodian Ali S.M.1* and Sadeghi H.2
The effect of reinforcing a sandy slope with geogrid
on lateral resistance of a single pile located near a slope is studied by small
scale model tests. Therefore, a broad series of conditions including unreinforced
cases was tested by varying parameters such as: arrangement of geogrid reinforcements,
pile distance from the slope crest, relative density of sand, angle of the slope,
embedded length, shaft roughness and cross section of pile. The results indicate
that improvement in lateral resistance of the pile intensively depends on the arrangement
of geogrid reinforcements. The optimum length and width values of geogrid layers
(i.e. the one leading maximum lateral resistance of a single pile) were 31d and
24.6d (d=pile diameter) and 2.82d, 1.64d for the depth of first layer and spacing
between geogrid layers respectively.
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Inversion analysis of initial geostress in tunnel
of DaPing mountain
You Z.M.* and Chen J.P
Based on the geological conditions and measured data
of in-situ stress in DaPing mountain tunnel, the initial geostress field of tunnel
area is analyzed by 3D multivariate FE regression. A 3D FE computational model is
established to compute geostress in four cases, including gravity, tectonic stress
field for horizontal extrusion and shear. And the regression coefficients are solved
using the least square method and then the calculation value of the measured points,
eventually the regression stress field of the whole area especially important engineering
parts. Through comparison between the calculated and measured geostresses of measuring
points, it is found that these two are similar which suggests that the geostress
field obtained by regression is reasonable and conforms to the historical background
of geological structure. The results of the geostress field have important reference
value of the dynamic design and construction of projects.
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Assessment of Seismic Hazard Parameters for Guwahati
Region in Northeast India
Maiti Soumya Kanti , Dasadhikari Manik and Nath Sankar Kumar*
Guwahati is fast emerging as a multi-ethnic cosmopolitan
city with a burgeoning population and rapid unplanned urbanization. The city is
located in the lower Brahmaputra Valley and underlain by thick alluvial deposits
ranging from 25 to 600 m with granitic exposure at places. Large earthquakes in
the past caused widespread damage to life and property in this terrain. Hence the
study of seismicity of this area is mandatory for the purpose of seismic hazard
analysis. This study attempts to evaluate probabilistic seismic hazard parameters
‘b’ value, the mean return period and the maximum regional magnitude. The seismic
hazard parameters have been calculatedusing Gutenberg-Richer (G-R) recurrence relation
and Kijko method for the study region. Higher ‘b’ value obtained in this study features
the geological heterogeneity and increased seismcity of Guwahati region.
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Development of a guideline for thunderstorm reporting
based on radar and lightning location data
Li P.W. and Chan P.W.*
Thunderstorm is a crucial weather phenomenon for reporting
at synoptic stations (as SYNOP) and airports (as METAR/SPECI and location routine/special
reports). Traditionally, it is reported based on hearing the thunder and/or seeing
the lightning in association with the thunderstorm by the human observer. The use
of data from weather radar and lightning location information system (LLIS) for
the reporting of thunderstorm is considered in this paper. For this purpose, a method
is described in determining the thresholds of radar reflectivity and the distance
of cloud-to-ground lightning stroke from the prescribed reflectivity for reporting
thunderstorm. It aims at achieving a balance between hit rate and false alarm for
detecting thunderstorm. A comprehensive study has been conducted to identify the
false alarm cases of LLIS by considering all the available meteorological data.
The thresholds are determined to be 32 dBZ and 15 km respectively which are consistent
with the results obtained by similar studies of another weather service, but the
threshold values are not exactly the same. This points to the importance of establishing
the local threshold values for the specific climatological condition of a weather
station. Based on such threshold values, a set of guideline of reporting thunderstorm
based on radar and LLIS data is proposed. Its impact on thunderstorm climatology
is discussed using Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) as an example.
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