Vol. 6(5) May 2013
Study on near-ground wind characteristics of a strong
typhoon-wind speed, turbulence intensities, gust factors and peak factors
Huang Peng, Wang Xu and Gu Ming *
In this paper, the wind data are measured from eight
anemometers, which were mounted on a 40m tower at the height of 10, 20, 30 and 40
m respectively during typhoon Muifa on the east coast of Shanghai. Mean wind speed
and direction, wind speed profiles, turbulence intensities, gust factors and peak
factors are analyzed in detail. It is shown that the measured mean wind speed profile
agrees well with power law and log law models under 40m height. Turbulence intensities
and gust factors calculated from various observation heights first increase with
mean wind speed and then almost keep invariant when the wind speed exceeds 10m/s
and 12m/s respectively. The longitudinal and lateral gust factors increase with
turbulence intensity and the empirical formulas, which can best express their relationship,
are also obtained using least-square fitting technique. The profiles of turbulence
intensity and gust factors and the variations of gust factors with gust averaging
time are presented and related empirical fitting formulas are also obtained. In
addition, peak factors for t = 3s are almost constant with the increase of mean
wind speed and the averaged values for all 10 min data are 2.21, 2.12 and 2.00 respectively.
The relationship between peak factor and gust averaging time on the basis of measured
data was consistent with the research result of Durst.
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A fire evacuation model for indoor buildings based
on the improved Cellular Automaton
Yang Rui *, Jiang Qinghui and Fang Zheng
Simulation of indoor fire personnel evacuation is of
great significance for building design and human security. Based on the theory of
Cellular Automata (CA), a new fire evacuation model for indoor buildings is proposed
and the corresponding numerical program is developed. Through simulation with a
three-room house with a corridor, it is found that the proposed model can effectively
simulate personnel evacuation during a fire, demonstrating that it is potentially
a powerful tool to find the "bottleneck" in fire evacuation.
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Creation of CO2 Geological Storage Suitability Model
in Coal-accumulating Basin based on AHP and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
Hujun He1,2*, Xingke Yang1, Huixia Chao1 and Wengao Zhang1
Analyzing of effect on greenhouse gas such as CO2 emission
to global climate and the significance carrying out research on CO2 underground
storage technology system, this study used earth system science theory as a guide,
studied index condition of CO2 geological storage suitability in Chinese coal-accumulating
basin, fully considered the element of each respect, used analytic hierarchy process
and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, built comprehensive evaluation model of CO2
geological storage suitability in coal-accumulating basin. With Qinshui Basin as
an example, the weight of each index was determined using AHP, the result was calculated
using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, the calculation result coincided with
the actual geological survey evaluation. Construction of CO2 geological storage
comprehensive evaluation model provides certain reference significance for CO2 geological
storage on coal-accumulating basin.
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Revelation from disastrous 6 July 2011 flood and debris
flow on a gas well site, Tongjiang County, Southwestern China
Feng Wen-Kai*1, Huang Run-Qiu1 and Lin Ze-Jun2
On 6 July 2011, a disastrous flood and debris flow was
triggered by a heavy rainfall in Yanfang gully, Qingyu Town, Tongjiang County, Southwestern
China. The debris flow burst following three-hour rainstorm with a maximum intensity
of 62.6 mm per hour and an average intensity of 41.73 mm per hour. The gully has
two branches divided in the place with elevation of 640m. The upper branch is in
V-shape on the whole, with large gully gradient and steep slope. The branch, as
the main source zone and catchment zone, has good hydrodynamic condition and large
catchment area. The lower branch, gentle and broad, takes on a U-shape on the whole.
The branch is the main zone of debris transport and deposit. The source material
is mainly derived from transportable gully floor alluvial-pluvial deposits, colluvium
and landslide deposits. The volume of the source material is 16.77×104m3 and that
of the dynamic volume is 5.17×104m3. The gas well site is just situated in the gully-branch-division
area, in the mouth of debris initiation area in the upper gully reach. In the gas
well site construction, channel deflection in the gully lowered flood-discharge
capacity. That, together with improperly designed overflow bridge, unreasonable
site selection and well site lower elevation, resulted in serious gas well site
destruction on 6 July disaster. Incision and lateral erosion of the disastrous flood
and debris flow produced intense bottom tearing scouring in the gully which caused
the slope deposits on the two sides of gully bed to undergo obvious disturbance
deformation. That greatly increased debris flow risk happening again in rainy seasons.
Thereafter, it can be concluded that debris flow will burst frequently in Yanfang
gully in the future.
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Sea Fog by Southerly Warm Air over Cool Sea Waters
of the Southward North Korea Cold Current along the Korean East Coast under Cyclogenesis
in the Yellow Sea
Choi Hyo
Sea fog in the southeastern coastal sea of Korea was
investigated on February 21 ~ 23, 2005 by WRF 3.3 meteorological model, GOES-9 and
NOAA-MCSST satellite images. On February 21, as a high pressure covers whole Korean
peninsula, northwesterly in the Korean eastern coast caused moderate southwestward
wind driven currents, resulting in southward littoral currents due to its coastal
configuration. These currents caused further the intrusion of the North Korea Cold
Current (NKCC) toward the south. Although air of 3 ~ 70C by cold northwesterly wind
from the northern China moved over a cool pool area off the Pohang coast and it
was in the easy condition of evaporation of water droplets from the sea and condensation
of water vapour to form fogs under the air and sea surface temperature differences
of - 3 ~ - 80C, strong marine surface dissipated fog droplet, resulting in 65% relative
humidity (RH) with no formation of fog. However, as low pressure showing an anti-clockwise
wind pattern on February 22 became more intensified in the Korean northwestern coast
(cyclogenesis), southwesterly wind in the Korea northern coastal sea could cause
southeastward wind driven currents, which induce upwelling of deep cold waters toward
the sea surface and simultaneously these currents caused further the intrusion of
the NKCC toward the southea¬stern open sea in about 100km away from Pohang city
(a cool pool of 70C cold waters). As much warmer air of 7 ~ 90C by strong southwesterly
wind of 6 ~ 11m/s moved over the cool pool in the open sea away from Pohang city,
air and sea surface temperature difference was about 20C. So, the air over the cold
sea must cool down to be saturated and water vapor in air to be condensed by salty
condensation nuclei, resulting in the formation of sea fog or stratus cloud with
80% RH near the sea surface and vertically extended toward 1 km height
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Inclusion of Q-value in parameters used for Earthquake
Early Warning Systems
Bhardwaj R*., Sharma M.L. and Kumar A.
A common way to evaluate earthquake parameters for Earthquake
Early Warning (EEW) system is to make use of initial portion of the seismic wave
ground motion period τc depicting the magnitude (M) of the strong ground motion.
τc is in general expressed as the average of initial portion of primary wave (P
wave) and approximately represents the width of P wave within the selected window
size (generally taking 3 sec after primary wave onset)and is linearly related with
magnitude of the earthquake. Since the seismic waves encompass different regions
with different properties, these empirical relationships vary region to region.
One of the most conspicuous property namely attenuation characteristics is being
explored to be included in the regression to look into its effect on the parameters
being used for EEW. This study derives regression relation in three parameters τc,
M and Qo (quality factor at 1 Hz) considering five different regions of India namely,
Garhwal Himalaya, Kumaun Himalaya, Northeast Himalaya, Northwest Himalaya and National
capital region. The Indian dataset covering magnitude ranges between 3.3 to 6.8
and an epicentral distance up to 60 km consisting of 66 strong motion records of
33 earthquakes recorded at 49 seismic stations have been considered in the analysis.
The regression of τc is found to be logarithmically distributed with a strong variation
for different magnitude and Qo values.
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Analytical method for estimating reservoir pressure
distribution and fault stability in porous rock during fluid injection
Zhou Junping 1,2, Jiang Yongdong 1,2 and Xian Xuefu 1,2*
It is a well-known fact that an injection of the borehole
fluids into surrounding porous rocks often results in fault reactivation (microseismic
activity), such as during hydrocarbon production from a reservoir, fluid injection
for enhanced oil recovery, hot dry rock geothermal energy extraction and waste disposal
or carbon dioxide sequestration. However, no rigorously derived method for the description
of spatial and temporal distribution of seismic events and for the estimation of
the critical value of pore pressure of a porous rock sufficient for the generation
of an microseismic has ever been developed. Model developed within the context of
Biot’s theory of poroelasticity is used to obtain the distribution of pore pressure,
then the pore pressure is substituted into a Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion to predict
the fault stability and the spatio-temporal cluster of microseismic events in a
reservoir. In this model, the Biot system of equations is formulated for the radial
symmetry case and is supplemented by the relevant boundary conditions, then the
solution is constructed analytically.
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An economic loss assessment framework of a region
after Wenchuan earthquake
Liu Zhujun and Xu Jiuping
Post-quake economic loss assessment is the foundation
of earthquake risk precaution and management measures. It is necessary to propose
an effective and efficient assessment framework to assess the economic loss of affected
regions. This paper provides an effective and rapid assessment method for regional
economic losses after the Wenchuan earthquake which includes both direct and indirect
economic loss assessment. The assessment of direct economic loss after Wenchuan
earthquake includes building damage loss, property damage and other engineering
structure destruction. The indirect economic loss includes loss of enterprise production
cessation, industrial related loss and cost of investment premium. The major finding
of the paper is that the direct economic loss was the main loss in the Wenchuan
earthquake and the industries suffered the most serious damage.
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A new fuzzy risk assessment model of natural disaster
based on fuzzy information granulation -exemplified by earthquake disasters
Xue Ye1,2
In this paper, based on fuzzy information granulation
approach, a soft hierarchical risk assessment model of natural disasters is developed.
The case study is carried out by taking earthquake disasters of Lijiang in Yunnan
as an example. The result is compared respectively with the fourth generation of
the seismic risk zoning map of China and the soft risk zoning map. The advantages
and features of our model are: (1) The data needed in our model are relatively simple
or easily available ones which are neither over-complex as in the fourth generation
of seismic risk zoning map nor over-simple as the soft risk zoning map; (2) Our
model includes both natural and social attributes of the risk assessment of a natural
disaster while the merely natural attributes are considered in the fourth generation
of seismic risk zoning map and the soft risk zoning map; (3) Our model takes the
imprecision of data into account in addition to fuzzy randomness in the involved
parameters while the randomness is reflected by means of exceeding probability in
the fourth generation of seismic risk zoning map and information diffusion technology
is employed to represent fuzzy randomness in the soft risk zoning map. (4) The proposed
model presents results in the form of fuzzy information granulation while both the
fourth generation of seismic risk zoning map and the soft risk zoning map present
an actual value to assess the earthquake risk.
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