Vol. 7(1) January 2014
Improvement of solar irradiance estimates based on
COMS-MI satellite images over Korea
Jeongho Lee, Suyoung Seo,* Minyoung Jung, Nuri Lee, Yongil Kim and Changyeol Yun
Although previous research has been conducted to estimate
the solar irradiance over Korea using satellite imagery, most of this work has employed
foreign satellite imagery. In the present study, we provide improved estimates of
global horizontal irradiance over Korea using satellite images obtained from the
Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite - Meteorological Imager (COMS-MI),
Korea’s first geostationary satellite. The Kawai and Kawamura methodology, which
is considered adequate for studies of East Asia, is applied to estimate solar irradiance
under both clear and cloudy conditions. We modified this method in two ways, using
training data to improve the estimates of solar irradiance. First, the biases of
irradiance under clear conditions were offset by applying the correction coefficient
derived from the relationship between the satellite-based estimations and the ground-based
observations made by the Korea Meteorological Administration. Second, the coefficient
of cloud attenuation, Look-Up Table (LUT) was newly derived from the relationship
between the satellite-estimated clear sky and ground-observed cloudy sky irradiances.
Using this method, the instantaneous global horizontal irradiance over Korea was
estimated for every fifteen minutes from May 2011 to April 2012. We evaluated the
hourly and daily means of these estimations by comparing them with the observations
made at twenty-four stations. The estimations and observations showed a strong correlation
and the application of the correction coefficient and the modification of the LUT
improved the accuracy of the solar irradiance estimations. The root mean square
errors of the hourly and daily mean irradiances decreased from 44.5% to 22.6% and
from 41.2% to 16.5% respectively.
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Experimental model for Computation of Flow Energy
Dissipation over Labyrinth Weirs
Ghare A. D.*, Pote A. S. and Khode B. V.
There is worldwide need presently being felt to increase
the safety of several old existing overflow structures against floods that exceed
the original design flood. Unless the discharge capacity of the existing spillway
is increased, there is a greater possibility of dam break and the consequent disasters.
There are various approaches to achieve this and the choice of a solution is affected
by the prevailing physical and economic conditions. Provision of Labyrinth weirs
is one of the popular choices which offers a distinct advantage of providing increased
discharge capacity than that of a linear weir with the same upstream head and the
same waterway width. Several studies on discharge characteristics on labyrinth are
found in the literature. This paper presents the results of laboratory experimental
studies carried out to formulate the expressions for the estimation of relative
energy loss of flow over labyrinth weirs, with side wall angles varying between
6o to 16o. The proposed expressions are expected to facilitate the engineers dealing
with the design of labyrinth weirs.
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Improved Dual Strength Reduction Method of Slope Stability
Liang Gui-lan and Wang Xin*
The Dual Strength Reduction Method (DSRM) works with
two strength reduction coefficients: SRF1 and SRF2. For slope, its shearing strength
parameters (internal frictional angle and cohesion ) are respectively divided by
these two coefficients until it arrives to destabilization under gravity and external
forces. The DSRM regards the average value of SRF1 and SRF2 as the final safety
factor of the slope. This paper aims at the ratio of to and has deduced the mathematic
function between this ratio and the slope safety factor by analysis of several models.
By this function, Most Conservative Safety Factor (MCSF) is proposed and that is
a significant improvement of DSRM.
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Computing Stress and Displacement Response of Composite
plates under blast
Matsagar Vasant A.
The present study investigates the performance of composite
plates as sacrificial blast walls subjected to impulsive loading. Three dimensional
nonlinear dynamic analyses of composite plates under blast loading have been performed
using finite element software Abaqus 6.11. Non-composite plates made up of steel
and composite plates made up of stiffened and unstiffened sandwich panels of different
core materials e.g. polyurethane, dytherm, aluminium alloy syntactic foam and sand
with different core thicknesses have been examined under the blast loading. Strain
rate dependent properties of all the materials have been used in the analyses. Blast
induced impulse load is applied in the form of pressure-time history curve calculated
using the TM5-1300 manual and the modified Friedlander’s equation. Stress and peak
displacement response of the composite plates have been computed and studied. It
is observed that the composite sandwich panels having aluminium alloy syntactic
foam as core material show lesser stress and peak displacement and thus higher blast
response reduction capability.
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Comparison among different scaling methods for earthquake
records used for seismic nonlinear analysis of structures
Magliulo G.*, Maddaloni G. and Petrone C.
Current Italian and European seismic codes allow evaluating
the dynamic nonlinear behaviour of structures using time-history analysis. In this
case one of the main issues to be solved is the selection of the accelerograms according
to the code prescriptions. The choice of seismic input should be addressed with
natural records: in this way it is possible to represent the earthquake with its
main characteristics i.e. its amplitude, frequency and energy content, duration
and phase. If natural accelerograms are adopted, the above mentioned prescriptions
strongly condition the search for the "best" seismic input and they often require
the real accelerograms to be altered by scaling techniques. In the current paper,
the influence of different scaling methods is evaluated. Seven methods of scaling
are taken into account and the variation coefficients (CoV), calculated in terms
of spectral ordinates for sets of elastic and inelastic spectra, are evaluated and
compared. It is concluded that if the CoV of the structural response must be contained,
it is convenient to refer to scaling procedures that explicitly consider the fundamental
period of the structure e.g. Kappos intensity and Matsumura intensity.
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Developing processes of rainfall-induced flow slides
in laboratory flume tests
Zhiqing Zhang and Jian Zhou*
Small-scale flume tests were carried out to investigate
the developing processes of rainfall-induced flow slides. The particle motion was
taken by two high resolution digital cameras and the captured images were then analyzed
with the aid of digital photography measurement and analysis technique. The displacement
fields in the photographed region and velocity profile of soil mass were then obtained
to verify the existing macro behavior of flow slides and reveal more detailed properties
of flow slides. For the retrogressive sliding mode, it was found that the continuously
larger deformation first generates in the upper front part of the slope and then
gradually develops towards the lower and rear part of the slope. For the flow sliding
mode, the continuously larger deformation first generates in the upper rear part
of the slope and then gradually develops towards the lower and front part of the
slope. The whole soil mass initially moves almost at the same time and the velocity
of soil mass in the upper layer is always higher than that in the lower layer during
the sliding process. The sliding velocity of soil mass in the lower part of the
slope is relatively uniform but that in the upper part of the slope shows larger
fluctuation at different positions.
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Mechanical behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete
investigated by one-stage light gas gun experiment
Guoping Jiang
This paper presents shock Hugoniot compression data for
several concrete materials by using flat plate impact experiments. The manganin
pressure gauge was used to measure the pressure-time curves of the samples. The
physical quantities were all obtained by the Lagrange method. Moreover, it is observed
from the measured pressure-time curves that the rate-sensitivity of dynamic response
for the concrete is not negligible, showing marked stress relaxation and dissipation.
Based on the polynomial Grüneisen equation, the parameters of high-pressure equation
of state of concrete were obtained. The steel fiber reinforced affect was analyzed.
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3D Geological modeling approach based on Cross-Section
of the Space Unit Division
Chen Guoliang* and Cui Zhen
A Divide-and-Rule modeling method based on cross-section
data has been put forward in this article. This method divided the cross section
data into several space cells, then it created geological block model in each cell.
Finally it merged all cells within the geological model into overall geological
model. The geological interface created in the building process of geological model
within a single cell can guarantee the geometry and topological consistency of the
geological model. The use of the method makes many people participate in the building
process of geological model and thus avoid the drawbacks of the modeling process.
This modeling approach can effectively improve the efficiency of large-scale geological
model construction.
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Prediction of Outburst Intensity based on Support
Vector Regression Machine
Zhou Aitao, Wang Kai* and Li Shan
Outburst intensity is an important index of destructive
consequence caused by coal and gas outburst. However, outburst intensity is affected
by ground stress, the soft layer thickness and coal strength. Outburst intensity
is the complex nonlinear relationship with the influence factors; therefore, it
is difficult to quantify the outburst intensity induced by coal and gas outburst.
In order to obtain the outburst intensity value, the -SVR, -SVR, LS-SVR and BP neural
network prediction models are compared. Finally, the -SVR coal and gas outburst
intensity prediction model is chosen as the best model for predicting outburst intensity
and the performance of the model is validated by the laboratory data. The result
shows that SVR has a good performance of classification and regression.
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Prediction model of rock mass quality classification
based on TBM boring parameters
Feng Ji*, Junfu Lu and Yuchuan Shi
TBM method is a fast, high-quality and secured method.
It is very important to predict the rock mass quality of tunnel using these boring
parameters which can reflect the geological condition of tunnel, especially to avoid
serious damage of exposed tunnel when the cutter head is advancing to ensure the
safety of the designer and to adjust the support measures timely. Meanwhile, this
is a key technical problem in TBM construction technology. There are four buried
deepest tunnel of the world in Jinping Hydropower Station. Among them, 2 tunnel
diameter 13m were excavated by TBM produced respectively by Robinson and Herrenknecht
AG. A large number of geological data and TBM boring parameters have been collected.
The results showed that(1) In predicting the classification of rock mass quality,
if the regression equation is established and solely based on on TBM boring parameters,
the fitting goodness is poor and the reliability is lower;(2) On the basis of TBM
boring parameters, when the factor of rock strength is included, the score range
of prediction model is wider and the reliability of the prediction model is significantly
improved;(3) Established a prediction model of rock mass quality classification
and (4)Through the verification of a length of 1600 m tunnel, prediction accuracy
of the model reaches 90.30%.,
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Stability analysis of silty clay slope in wetting-drying
alternate environment
Zuliang Zhong* , Yiliang Tu1, Xinrong Liu, Yuanxue Liu and Jingwei Liao
To study the stability of soil slopes in wetting-drying
alternate environment, a laboratory simulation of wetting-drying cycles on silty
clay slope is conducted in this paper. The law of shear strength and its parameters
of silty clay varying with the number of wetting-drying cycles are investigated
by triaxial compression test. Based on this, a theory for calculating safety factor
of silty clay slope in wetting-drying alternate environment is derived. Then this
theory and a modified instability criterion of slope are both applied in the stability
analysis of a silty clay slope by numerical simulation. Its safety factor is obtained.
It can supply the basic theory and can provide engineering reference for the stability
analysis of similar soil slope engineering.
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