Vol. 2(11) November 2015
European Union countries’ performance in PISA: Comparative
Valle Javier M. and Piñana Elena
This research aims to compare and analyse the relationship
between the education success rates in the different EU countries in PISA 2012 and
their specific economic, geographic or socio-cultural features. In this regard,
the research requires a study to determine which factors can have a certain relationship
with the results obtained in 2012 PISA reports, focusing on the countries of the
EU as compared to the OECD average. Particularly, we have focused on factors such
as the GDP, the standard deviation, the instructional time devoted to each subject,
their geographic location, the youth unemployment rate and their official language.
In short, our research consists of an approach to 2012 PISA results, comparing and
analysing those factors that despite not being educational could be related in a
certain way to education. The conclusions invite reflection and open the way for
discussion and improvement of education systems in the EU.
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