International Research Journal for Quality in Education

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International Research Journal for Quality in Education

Status of peace education content covered in the upper primary school social studies curriculum in Kenya

Onyango Margaret S.K., Wamutitu Joseph Mworia* and Wambugu Patriciah W.

Peace Education in Kenya is one of the programmes in the primary school curriculum initiated by the Ministry of Education in February 2008. Peace Education is aimed at preparing learners to deal with contemporary social challenges in society. Peace Education Programme (PEP) is integrated into comprehensive programme of substantive peace education contents and pedagogy. Peace Education aims at empowering learners with problem-solving skills, ability to address conflicts peacefully, and thus promote tolerance for diversity, cultural differences and human dignity. Although pupils in Kenyan primary schools are expected to receive their Peace Education through primary school social studies curriculum, the approach seems not to provide pupils with necessary knowledge, skills and development of attitude and values conducive for social transformation. This implies that promoting peace is a major challenge in Kenyan primary schools and the society at large.

This study therefore sought to determine Peace Education contents covered through the School Social Studies Curriculum (SSC) in terms of objectives of Peace Education. The study adopted exploratory research design. Data was collected through content analysis using Peace Education Objective Analysis Matrix (PEOAM). Descriptive Statistics frequency, mean and percentage were used to analyse data with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The study revealed that Peace Education Content covered through the primary school SSC in terms of objectives of peace education is of average status but below 50%.

The findings of the study may be of great value to all stakeholders in the education sector namely; the school administrators, teachers and pupils to provide a peaceful learning environment in their schools, curriculum developers at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) in ensuring Peace Education contents are well infused in Social Studies Curriculum. It may also assist parents, general public and the church in emphasizing the need for Peace Education and reduce violence among the people.

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