Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Vol. 1(3) June 2008

Assessing School Drop-out Rate at Primary Level in Eastern Region of India

Bhattacharya Abhijit

The present study attempts to predict the percentage of districts with school drop-out rate of less than 10% at primary level (grades one through five) in the eastern region of India. The eastern region comprises of the States of West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and Jharkhand. The computational experience provides strong statistical evidence (p-value=0.9928) for the use of proposed Beta - Binomial model as an effective tool for assessing the school drop-out rate. It has been estimated that in the next three years, only 25% of the districts in eastern region are expected to achieve the targeted dropout rate of less than 10% whereas 20% of the districts are expected to have more than 10% dropout rate.In view of Government’s goal of reducing school drop-out rate to less than 10%, the predicted percentages seem to be alarming and call for immediate intervention of policy makers and planners to reformulate appropriate strategies to ensure more number of districts to have less than 10% dropout rate.

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Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation in Modern Organizations

Polychroniou Panagiotis V.

This study investigates the relationship between transformational leadership and work motivation in modern organizations. Critical attention is given to transformational leaders’ competencies needed to motivate individuals/teams effectively and improve employee performance. Some implications of the study are discussed including the need for supervisors to acquire and use emotional intelligence competencies and empowerment tools in order to enhance their own transformational leadership and develop motivational strategies. Moreover, organizational culture and design can affect skilled employee motivation levels in several ways such as job rotation, participation, employment security, performance appraisal, compensation systems, training and task allocation.

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Revamping the Business Communication Curriculum-Looking Ahead

Sethi Anjanee1* and Adhikari Bhavana2

The paper discusses the need to wake up to the challenges that face the Business Communication course in B-schools in India today. It stresses the need to respond to the wake- up- call, as the gap between current pedagogical practices and the requirements of businesses seem to be widening. What encompasses ‘Business Communication’ today has undergone a great change due to the emergence of highly competitive business environment and very different working conditions. The paper highlights this mismatch that exists with respect to the content and in terms of the pedagogy in ‘Business Communication’ practice. It also suggests that along with a curriculum review, pedagogy and infrastructure issues also need to be addressed concurrently to have substantive desired outcomes.

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The Direction of Causality between Growth, Agriculture, Industry and Services Sector: Time Series Population Data From Turkey: 1924 – 2003

Katircioglu Turan Salih

This study empirically investigates the causal impacts between economic growth, agriculture, industry and services sector using population data for Turkey which has a developing and large economy in a very strategic location of the world. History of the Turkish economy showed many ups and downs since year 1924 due to both external and internal factors. Apart from 1980s, Turkey moved to liberalized economic policies after the long years of protectionist policies. Granger causality test results of this study show that the causal impacts exist between economic growth of Turkey and its main sectors: Agriculture, industry and services sector. The results also show that agriculture sector in Turkey is still of a major importance although industrialization efforts took place in Turkey since year 1980s. Therefore, comparative advantage of this sector for Turkey should be carefully evaluated.

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Wildlife Tourism in State of Sikkim: Problems and Prospects

Jha Ajeya* and Munjal Sonia

Wildlife tourism is tourism based on free-ranging or captive wildlife. It is often confused with nature tourism. Nature tourism is a much broader concept. It encompasses all types of tourism that relate to nature. Thus, even adventure tourism is also a type of nature tourism. Wildlife tourism is a nascent but a promising segment. It is growing rapidly. In East Africa, particularly in Kenya, tourism is primarily wild-life tourism. Sikkim offers immense promises in the arena of wildlife tourism.

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Customer Perceived Value of Internet Shopping

Hossein Miladian

The rapid expansion of information and communication technologies in daily business activities is the most important long-term trend in the business world. Accordingly, a large growth potential is forecasted especially for the purchase of product and services via internet. The emergence of e-business and development of technology have emphasized new possibility for value creation. The scope of customer perceived value was redefined and broadened by combining value and E-service quality. Based on the theoretical and empirical findings as well as the conclusion discussed in this paper, it is evident that time and locations are important value drivers from a customer perspective. At this point it is essential to acknowledge the main practical consequence of the finding.

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Assessment of Healthcare Quality through Provider’s Perspective

Kumar Santosh* and Gupta S.D.

Provider’s perspective is one of the important aspect for quality of the hospital services, specially in the areas where the staff deals continuously with critically ill patients and agitated relatives who require most attentive and prompt care. This paper attempts to bring the important factors which would greatly affect the satisfaction level of providers.

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A simulation based optimization method applied to a printing workshop case

Chehade Hicham, Yalaoui Farouk* and Amodeo Lionel

This paper presents an optimization technique made by coupling the ARENA simulation software with a multi objective optimizer based on a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). This simulation based optimization technique is used to optimize the performances of a simulation model repres-enting a printing workshop by choosing the best queuing scheduling policy for the machines. The objective is to offer for the industrials a decision aid tool in order to manage their systems better. After a description of both the problem and the adapted method, we present the experimental results by comparing the new platform optimization results with previous theoretical and simulation results. The computational experim-ents show the success of applying our development to the industrial case and that the application could be extended to cover other domains than scheduling policies and other types of management and simulation models.

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New Dimensions of Workplace Learning

Farooqi Rahela

Workplace Learning is seen as the critical contributor dealing with change, coping with uncertainty and complexity in the environment and creating opportunities for sustainable competitive advantage1. The paper tries to analyze the new dimensions of workplace learning at individual and organizational level. It also throws light on new methods of enhancing workplace learning which includes formal methods like e-learning and informal methods like coaching and mentoring with the help of case studies of two Indian organizations.

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