Vol. 1(2) May 2008
Crisis Management: A Survey of West Michigan Managers
Mishra Ram and *Mishra Jitendra M.
Crisis is a normal part of personal and corporate life.
It can happen to any one at any time. The unexpected do happen. And yet some companies/some
people act as if nothing will happen to them. A crisis management survey was sent
to 420 public and private organizations in the west Michigan area that employ 50
or more individuals. Our overall response rate was 42.2%. The primary objective
of this survey was to sample attitudes and perceptions of west Michigan managers
toward crisis management. While crisis management planning (CMP) cannot prevent
every crisis, the crisis management planning (CMP) can teach/prepare an organization
how to use prodomal crisis/pre-crisis stage into crisis resolution stage and cope
more effectively with whatever does occur. This paper outlines a practical six step
approach in improving organizational crisis-preparedness. The less vulnerable an
organization thinks it is, the fewer crises it prepares for; as a result, the more
vulnerable it becomes. The reverse is also true. The more vulnerable an organization
thinks it is, the more crises it prepares for; as a result, the less vulnerable
it is likely to be Strategic management.
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Business Excellence and HR Utilization – The Rhetoric
and the Reality
Vouzas Fotis
The aim of this paper is to theoretically investigate
Human Resource Utilization element of the EQA Business Excellent framework. The
main aim is to know about organizations that had been awarded with the European
Quality Award (EQA) which utilize the company’s human resources through the introduction
of new and innovative forms of human resources management policies and practices
and to know what is the impact of the implementation of these policies and practices
to overall organizational performance. According to our data, there is a tendency
and a willingness of the majority of the organizations to move towards a more “strategic”
approach to the management of Human Resources meaning that “people” are at the centre
of quality formulation and implementation. However, the approach used and the various
elements of the present quality initiatives of the organizations studied lead us
to the argument that Human Resources Management and employee empowerment is not
perceived yet as a dynamic, complex and incremental process based on international
assumptions and practices aiming at improving organizations performance with the
utilization of all available resources.
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Role of Personality and Intelligence in Coping with
Stress among Young Managers
*Kumar Sunil and Sharma Y.K.R.
This study examined role of personality and intelligence
in coping with stress among young managers. 260 college students with the age range
of 20 -28 were drawn from different management institutes in NCR – Delhi for the
study. This study was undertaken with four main aims (i) to examine the role of
personality factors in coping styles (ii) to examine the role of I.Q. in coping
with stress (iii) to examine the relationship among personality attributes coping
with stress and I.Q and (iv) to examine the relationship among personality attributes
and coping styles. Results revealed that measures of personality and intelligence
correlate positively with coping styles.
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Yes Bank: A Framework of Managing Risk in Converged
Financial Services to Boost Indian Economy by Using Financial Derivative Products
Yes Bank is in the process of redefining profile of the
banking industry by providing a bouquet of financial services. The range of its
financial services is so wide that the complete financial services are likely to
converge in the definition of banking services. A step ahead, these services has
been directly linked with the backbone of the Indian economy. The strength of such
linkage is further enhanced by implementing the concept of knowledge banking, which
is mainly focused on the sectors possessing a potential of high growth rate in the
economy. Yes bank has designed the strategy to exploit such potential which lead
to boosting the Indian economy. The customization of these strategies on the basis
of the geographical region further strengthens the linkage between financial services
to building blocks of economy. These linkages can be used as blue print for policy
making process. The proactive role of Yes Bank in policy making with various agencies
of Govt. of India is generating a wave in banking industry which can be considered
as a signal to boost the Indian economy. This paper focuses on the framework to
manage risk while providing complete financial services needed for the Indian economy
by using financial derivative products.
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The Role of Corporate Governance as a Bridge between
Agency Conflict and Financial Performance
*Jahangir Nadim and Najibullah Syed
This paper has attempted an endeavor to establish a link
between agency proxy variables i.e. free cash flow, ownership concentration, book
to market equity ratio, leverage and log of assets, and financial performance as
measured through Tobin’s Q in the context of private commercial banks in Bangladesh
and has suggested better corporate governance to achieve financial targets. This
study considered five years data from year 2000 to 2004 of twenty-three enlisted
banks in the Dhaka Stock Exchange. Correlation coefficient and stepwise regression
analyses were employed to test the proposed hypotheses. The results have shown that
agency problems influence financial performance of the banks whereas effective corporate
governance can mitigate agency conflicts and can create value for shareholders.
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A study on regulations and factors influencing the
NRI investments in India
Ravichandran K.
Non resident Indian NRI is a significant term in India
because NRIs are investing a large amount in India. There are various regulations
and factors which govern NRIs investments in India. This investment is brining cash
flow of foreign currency in our country India.
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