Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Vol. 1(7) October 2008

Brand Equity and Stakeholders’ Wealth

Uzma Shigufta Hena

In this article an attempt has been made to delineate objectively the relationship between brand equity / brand value and stakeholders’ wealth. The concept of “brand equity” has also been evaluated through a perusal of the relevant references on the subject – various viewpoints underlying this important strategic notion have been elucidated. The constituents of “brand equity” viz. brand awareness, brand association, brand loyalty and perceived quality have also been explained. The philosophy underlying the broadening of the ambit of the definition of “corporate stakeholders” has also been touched upon. Finally, attributes that contribute the accretion of stakeholders wealth commensurate with growth of brand equity have also been discussed.

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Liberalization of Trade in Services Industry: Can Malaysian Architectural Firms Compete?

Shaharudin Roselee S.*, Ahmad Syed Z. and Ali Ainon

Trade in services has begun to dominate the economies of many nations. Indeed, the service sector is the fastest growing part of international trade. The adoption of multi-lateral agreements will further liberalize the international trade in services. Market liberalization allows the entry of foreign firms into domestic markets. It puts pressure on domestic service provider to adapt to the new competitive environment in order to successfully compete with in-coming foreign service-providers. At the same time, liberalization also offers service firms increased opportunities to exploit new markets abroad. This research is on Malaysian architectural service sector. In looking to answer the research question “Liberalization of trade in services: can Malaysian architectural firms compete?” this study looks at the global marketplace, identifies challenges facing the architectural profession and reveals firms’ characteristics necessary to compete in the new liberalized environment.

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20 years of Economic Reforms – Performance Evidence of Pakistan Economy

Hakro Nawaz Ahmed

Econometric evidence is used to compare 20 years of macro economic performance since the structural adjustment reforms initiated in Pakistan. A number of approaches e.g. before-after approach, OLS and multiple regression approaches are used to trace out the progress of reforms in major macro economic variables such as trade, growth and poverty alleviation. Evidence hardly suggests improvement in macroeconomic indicators; no significant evidence is found which suggests improvement in trade, growth, subsequently poverty reduction since reforms introduced in 1988. Policy implications derived out of empirical results further demonstrate that patterns of growth slowed and poverty aggravated. The ‘vitality of reform approach- beneficial for poverty alleviation' contradicts the empirical results; low level of expenditure on education, health and social services, little substantiated the claim of increasing levels of standards of living, hence reduction in poverty.

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End-User Computing (EUC) Satisfaction with Internet Shopping

Miladian Hossein* and Babu Nagendra K.

Consumer satisfaction with Internet shopping has been conceptualized in a variety of ways. In view of this, the purpose of this study is to examine the research framework that integrates to end-user computing (EUC) satisfaction. This framework explicitly considers information quality, system quality and service quality as the key dimensions of consumer satisfaction with internet shopping. This framework helped explain three basic issues: (1) What defines consumer satisfaction with internet shopping, (2) how it is formed and (3) which attributes are relatively important in its formation. We found that system quality has more impact on the consumer satisfaction compared with the remaining research framework’s dimensions.

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How does Relationship Involvement matter to Buyer-Seller Partnership? Theoretical and Empirical Viewpoints

Fang Shyh-Rong and Lin Grace T.R.* Tang Jerry Y.H. and Wu Yu-Chi

A review of the current literature reveals a general consensus on the importance and merits of “partnership posture” in seller-buyer relationships. This study examines relationships between organiza-tions from the viewpoint of “relationship involvement”. For the purposes of the study, Taiwan’s top 1000 manufacturing companies were surveyed based on a tentative framework. It is concluded that the degree of relationship involvement between the buyer and the seller is closely linked. Moreover, in order to achieve the expected relationship performance level, at least one of the related trade partners must be willing to engage in high relationship involvement. Finally, the relationship performance that results from one-sided high relationship involvement does not differ much from the relationship performances. This research by implication draws a few managerial causes as to why the above situations can happen?

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Learning from Group Assessment of MSc in Management Students

Doherty Daniel

This paper describes an experiment in group assessment conducted among full-time master students in management here at the University of Bristol. This strategic management module is a ‘capstone’ module for the entire Masters in Management degree, falling as it does last of all the modules.

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