Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Vol. 11(4) December 2018

A Gender based Investigation of Stereotypical Barriers in Management Information Systems Profession

Akbulut Asli Yagmur and Motwani Jaideep

Page No: 1-9

Negative stereotypes are assumed to be one of the major barriers preventing students from pursuing Information Technology (IT) degrees and careers. An important worldwide problem, the underrepresentation of women in IT, has also been linked to negative stereotypes. In today’s information age, overcoming these stereotypes to attract more students to the IT field is extremely important for the advancement of our economy and society.

Previous research has focused on students’ stereotypes in the technical IT fields. There is a lack of research that investigates students’ stereotypes in the newer, more business focused IT subfields such as the Management Information Systems (MIS) field. In this respect, this study investigated students’ stereotypical image of MIS professionals and compared male and female students’ perceptions. It also examined whether the introductory level course played a role in altering female and male students’ stereotypical image of MIS professionals. The findings carry several important implications for MIS programs and educators.

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Supply Chain Management: Opportunities and Challenges

Dulababu T., Lakshmi R.B. and Babu Girish

Page No: 9-12

This paper analyzes the status of India in Supply Chain Management (SCM) and why India is unable to tap the opportunities and prescribes how can the nation look forward to capitalize the opportunities.

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Re-Visiting the Roles of Project Management Maturity and Organisational Culture for Perceived Performance – A Replication based on German Data

Busse Ronald and Henze Tamara

Page No: 13-30

Project management is a key success factor. As studies on benefits of high levels of project management maturity yield ambiguous results, we replicate the studies of Yazici47 and Busse et al.4 Our survey-based research with a sample of 78 project managers is analysed by using structural equation modelling. In accordance with Yazici,47 it is identified that project performance is associated with high levels of project maturity, but for the internal and external business performance no relationship exists.

Furthermore, it is evaluated how organisational culture affects perceived performance. In line with Yazici47 and Busse et al,4 a significant relationship is proven for clan culture and project performance. In addition, the study detects a positive correlation between clan culture and business performance. Also, market culture affects the perceived performance and has a combined influence with project maturity on the project performance.

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A Qualitative Investigation on Key Drivers of Intrinsic Motivation – The Case of Engineers in Germany

Busse Ronald and Laura Montseny Dominguez

Page No: 31-51

Since the war for talents‘ has been coined, practicing managers as well as the scientific community have experienced and investigated the limitations of extrinsic rewards. We therefore shift the spotlight of attention towards a lesser observed field of interest: intrinsic motivation. Focusing justifiably on engineers in German enterprises, we conduct 12 in-depth interviews and analyse our primary data through the lens of qualitative content analysis.

We find that task characteristics, the quality of leader-led relation, autonomy and the social climate among colleagues account for most significant impact on intrinsic motivation. We develop some recommendations for action, admit limitations and look into promising future research opporrtunities.

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