Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Vol. 14(4) December 2021

Time is the most valuable thing – Revisiting the Impact of Flexible Working Arrangements on Employee Satisfaction and Perceived Productivity

Busse Ronald and Mitteldorf Steffen

Page No: 1-18

In the era of globalisation, digitalisation and market dynamics, employee satisfaction and productivity are more decisive than ever. These factors re-ignite the discussion of McKinsey’s ‘war for talent’ from 2001. This study uses Mayring’s qualitative research to investigate the bilateral contribution of flexible working arrangements to both employee satisfaction (normative) and employer’s perceived productivity (rational) under lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic. The evaluation is executed via Kuckartz’s qualitative text analysis. The main contribution of the research is the identified wish for a hybrid, balanced working arrangement consisting of flexibility in time and place as well as specific frameworks of concentration and interaction.

Limitations included the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic which prevented a longitudinal study and the one-sided nature of the research at the employee level. Future research might investigate differences of opinion at further points in time or elaborate long-term effects of flexible working arrangements.

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