Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Vol. 14(1) March 2021

A qualitative investigation on possible parallels between female executives and Final Girls in horror movies

Busse Ronald and Wirsing Mario

Page No: 1-30

In 2019, the share of women in the CEOs of the top 200 German companies was 4.9%. Despite women's quotas, the improvement is moderate. Horror films are more women-friendly. Thus, in the slasher a woman becomes a Final Girl and manages to survive in a male domain. The aim is to combine management with movies to increase the number of female managers. Supplementary, female leaders are interviewed and their similarities with the FGs are identified. An evaluation should transpire after the qualitative content analysis. Parallels exist such as the analogous acquisition of male attributes.

Therefore, the FGs can be considered as role models and the attributes can be adapted. Furthermore, work should become family-friendly and a social rethinking should occur. Restrictions exist due to the number of only twelve interviewees. However, there are possibilities for connection with other patterns from slashers such as the portrayal of ethnic minorities.

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Dimensional Analysis of Attraction of Digital Marketing among Brand Loyal Indian Customers

Gupta S.L.

Page No: 31-39

The Indian Customers have values of loyalty and belief towards a brand with personal connection. There are numerous rational reasons and emotional connection towards buying the product in their routine. The digital marketing has given new marketing spree for the manufacturers and retailers to reach the customers without much expense. The reach of the digital marketing is universal and it takes no time to connect with the customers from each and every corner of the world. The customers buy a product based on the utility yardstick and various factors that influence them. The digital marketing has a telling effect on the minds of the customers and it has been clear from the extravagant growth of e-commerce companies in the country. Does the digital marketing has really changed the world of customer following even with the customers who have brand loyalty?

The research methodology used is exploratory research design that gives the scope for identifying the dimensions that attract the brand loyal customers. The study has used non-random sampling technique of snowball sampling to select the sample. The sample size of the study was fixed to be 264 based on the ‘Z’ sample size calculator. The sample was selected from the 13 metropolitan cities as per the census of 2011. The statistical tools used in the study are percentage analysis, Chi-square test, factor analysis, and correlation analysis. The results of the study reveal that the customers are largely attracted to the nuances of the digital marketing based on the reach of digital marketing, responsiveness of websites, easy clearing of transactions, ease of access and free from meticulous travelling for buying the products. These dimensions tend to make even brand loyal customers to change over to products that have attractive digital marketing which paves way for the transition of customers and also global opportunities for well trained digital marketers.

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Nitrogen Fertilizer use in Indian Agriculture: A Policy Analysis

Rath Jyoti Prakash, Subudhi Rabi Narayan, Jena Damodar and Pani Saswat Kumar

Page No: 40-47

With the introduction of fertilizers responsive HYV varieties of crops intended to increase production to meet the food security of 1.3 billion of its citizens, the trend of increased use of N fertilizers has become a reality of the time. This has resulted in various other health and environment related issues, besides huge financial burden of fertilizer subsidy on Government exchequer. The inherent problem with nitrogen fertilizer lies with its low use efficiency leaving the remaining nitrogen to be washed off and pollute the land, water and air which has become a serious global concern in general and South Asian region in particular. There have been attempts to enhance nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and few European countries have succeeded in doing so. Use of micro-nutrients such as B and Zn, alternating cereals with pulses, balanced use of NPK are some of the experimented and proven approaches to increase NUE and minimise the harmful effects of low NUE.

Policies in India w.r.t. fertilizer and agriculture are conducive in increasing the use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture. It is evident that the problem emerged with excessive use of urea as compared to other phosphorus and potassium based fertilizers resulting in imbalanced use of NPK ratio which has other costs such as environmental, health and huge subsidy burden on Government exchequer. This study reviews the policies around nitrogen fertilizer use and triangulates with secondary data to derive the conclusions on present practice of NPK use and gives constructive suggestions for nitrogen fertilizer use in India.

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Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Startups in India

Vijai C. and Worakamol Wisetsri

Page No: 48-52

Artificial intelligence (AI) is recently emerging in healthcare. AI helps to forecast diseases patients for medical procedure. AI application in healthcare is immense which not only doctors it but also patients, drug industries, health services, insurance agencies and medical institutions are using.

AI helps in dermatology, echocardiography, neurology screening retinal care, diagnosis process, surgery, angiography etc. It provides user friendly accessibility for both doctor and patients and prepares feedback to medical community for research. AI helps in monitoring, screening, providing clinical and medical studies for patient.

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Adopting Digital Technologies in Vocational Education at the time of crisis

More Pooja

Page No: 53-59

Adopting technology in education and vocational training is the need of the hour due to COVID -19 pandamic. Due to closing down of educational Institutes /Universities/Colleges, classroom teaching is no longer possible. This has forced vocational education systems and institutions to undertake a rapid action to review the technology infrastructure, pedagogy and organization needed to offer technology-enabled and distance learning solutions. Because of technological developments, education and vocational training have become more accessible to students online instead of physically being present at institutes. Teachers and trainers in vocational education who possess digital literacy skills and knowledge have the potential to use and apply technology for planning and delivery of content and curricula and in the assessment of learning objectives.

Vocational teachers must ensure that right technology is put to use to enhance students learning experiences as per students learning needs. The continuous use of digital technologies can help to enrich teaching practices and improve pedagogical techniques. Learners can also use technology as tools to learn new skills and to collaborate and interact with teachers and trainers.

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