Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Vol. 14(3) September 2021

The leadership challenge in times of the COVID 19 pandemic - An empirical investigation on the impact of transformational leadership on motivation and team performance

Busse Ronald and Lohmann Marc

Page No: 1-21

In today's world, where organisations are characterised by an "innovate or die" paradigm through digitalisation and disruption, team-based structures require not only a focus on the individual, but also on broader consideration of the team as a whole in terms of motivation and leadership. In this context, the way in which leaders lead and motivate their employees is a decisive factor.

The aim of this work is to examine the question of what influence motivation has on the performance of work groups that are led in a transformational way. To this end, 13 interviews were conducted with senior managers in German companies from various economic sectors in the context of a qualitative approach. The evaluation shows that motivation caused by elements of transformational leadership has a positive influence both on the work performance of the individual and the entire work group.

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Supply Model of Poverty Alleviation and Innovation Policy Combination based on QCA

Qunlin Fan, Hansong Liu and Le Cheng

Page No: 22-27

In order to reflect the interaction between poverty alleviation policy and poverty alleviation performance, this study collected the poverty alleviation policy data of 31 provincial administrative regions, obtained the elements of finance, investment, finance, land, human resources etc. The two main modes are: exogenous financial support and endogenous resource support based on the method of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA).

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Internal branding vis –a –vis Employee Commitment: IT sector perspective

Bharath Sindu, Nagesh P. and Nanjundeswaraswamy T.S.

Page No: 28-38

Branding is being observed as a crucial issue in enhancing both brand and organizational performance. Unification of right workforce and motivating them towards the goals and objectives of the organization is a foremost concern fronting Information technology (IT) firms. The research study intends to investigate Internal Branding and its effect on Employee Commitment (EC). The concept of internal branding is examined and interrelationships are studied. Study investigated six internal branding (IB) vis-a-vis empathy, quality of job and rewarding, benchmarking, communication, values, information sharing and activities relating to promotions and their influence on employee commitment in the IT Sector. Using the data from 431 employees of IT companies based in Bangalore, the result indicates that there exists strong relationship amid Internal Branding(IB) and Employee Commitment (EC).

There is noteworthy relationship between empathy and consideration, job quality, reward, upward communication and promotional activities. It may be noted that there is no relationship between benchmarking and values and information sharing. The result indicate that IB is multi-dimensional and recognized. The internal branding has a positive impact on employee commitment.

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Next Level of Product Development - Impact of allowed agility on perceived performance of product development processes

Busse Ronald and Abdeluahid Ali

Page No: 39-59

Increasing effects of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, also known as VUCA14 lead to higher requirements in product development processes. This work uses qualitative interviews which are analysed according to the Mayring’s method23,24 to explore the impact of allowed agility on the perceived performance of product development processes in the area of German non-software products developed. In particular, it is about the impact of agile methods on the three classical project management key performance indicators: time, cost and quality.

Furthermore, the role of the organisation in this interaction is examined. Despite organisational obstacles, a clear increase in product quality and scope was perceived. As agile methods in their raw form are not time and cost-optimisation methods, no significant savings could be identified. Follow-up researches could investigate deeper the most inhibiting and supporting factors in order to achieve better integration of agile methods in large organisations.

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