Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Users' Continuance Intention of Smart Learning Platform based on Expectation Confirmation Model

Qunlin Fan, Le Cheng, Zhaoqi Tian and Qingqing Wu

Page No: 1-12

Based on the Expectation Confirmation model from the perspective of user expectation, considering the external environmental factors, this study includes the perceived reputation variable to build the influencing factor model of user's continuance intention of the learning platform. It is found that the degree of expectation confirmation has a significant positive impact on user's continuance intention, and perceived usefulness and perceived reputation have some mediating effects in the relationship between expectation confirmation and user's continuance intention.

The conclusion shows that improving the degree of expectation confirmation is conducive to consolidate users' perceived reputation of the platform and maintain user's continuance intention.

XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language): An Online Solution to Financial Reporting

Dhingra Kanika

Page No: 13-15

This study elaborates not only the importance and application but also process and prospects of XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language) in financial reporting system. The fundamental objective of online financial reporting is to provide users with the timely delivery of useful information. However, the current reporting system is sustained by a multitude of data formats including the popularly used Portable Document Format (PDF) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Financial information stored in flat file format is not designed to electronically streamline user analysis and human processing activities which are subject to error and misrepresentation of data.

Thus, the central problem of current reporting system is the fact that users must manually compile and analyze data, thereby inhibiting the usefulness of the information. XBRL based on XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is specifically designed for online business reporting. XML was originally developed to improve upon the inherent limitations of HTML by including tags on data elements to communicate electronically.

Actual Benefits of CRM in Selected Industries

Adireddy Sakunthala

Page No: 16-21

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a business strategy for bettering customer acquisition, loyalty and profitability by understanding and influencing customer behavior through meaningful communication.

The purpose of this study is to find out what marketing and technical people in service and manufacturing organizations think about the actual benefits of CRM which are the promises of software packages before they are realized through CRM implementation in both service and manufacturing industries.

Impact of Influenced Behavioral Biases on Investment Decision

Kulal Abhinandan

Page No: 22-29

The traditional finance theory assumed that investors are cogent while making an investment decision but the investment theories found a new direction after the inception of behavior finance theories. The role of psychology is significant in investment decisions and many external and internal factors influence them. With this intention, the study tried to know the impact of two specific behavioral biases i.e. overconfidence and self-attribution on investment decisions. We also studied the effect of gender, income and investment experience on selected behavioral biases and tried to test the association between self-attribution bias and overconfident bias. Data collected from 290 retail investors in Mangalore city was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools like ANOVA and Path Analysis. This study constructs a structural equation model and developed relevant hypotheses.

The result showed that there is a positive impact of overconfidence bias and self-attribution bias on investment decisions. In addition to this, it also confirmed a positive correlation between the self-attribution biases of the respondents and the overconfidence bias of the respondents. This study explored that high-income people are more overconfident than less income people and there is no significant difference in overconfident and self-attribution bias among gender and investment experience.

Aspects of Employee Engagement: A Literature Review

Joshi Sugandha

Page No: 30-36

Employees that are motivated and engaged contribute more to organisational productivity and help to maintain a higher level of commitment, which leads to improved customer satisfaction. Employee engagement refers to an employee's level of dedication and connection with their company and its principles. An engaged employee is aware of the company's surroundings and works with coworkers to improve job performance for the company's advantage. Employees have a favourable attitude toward the organisation and its ideals are said to have a positive attitude. The paper concentrates on many aspects of employee engagement including definitions and frameworks.

The purpose of this study is to comprehend the basic notion of employee engagement and to investigate the many characteristics of employee engagement through a literature review. This study is based on a review of the literature as well as secondary data gathered from a variety of sources including websites, journals, magazines, newspapers and reference books. A review of the literature revealed previous studies in this field.