Vol. 4(2) February 2011
Political-Economic Analysis in Privatisation and Regulation: Lesson-drawing
from Taiwan
Cheng Kuo-Tai
Institute for Human Resource Development, National Hsin-Chu University of Education,
Address: 521, Nan-Da Road, Hsin-Chu City, 300, TAIWAN
Privatisation of GOEs can be viewed as a consequence of the increasing entry liberalisation
(some interviews agreed with this view). After protective mechanisms such as entry
control and import privilege ended, GOEs in Taiwan were confronted with competition
from the private newcomers and needed to increase efficiency to be competitive.
This paper used interviews with policy stakeholders to analyse a close interplay
of external geo-politics of globalisation and regional politics on the one hand
and how the internal Taiwanese economic and political dynamics have shaped the form
and pace of reforms by showing that privatisation can be seriously affected if the
political context is not taken into account alongside the economic. Further effective
regulation is essential for privatisation.
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Gender Differences and Their Impact on Entrepreneurial Ventures
Guy Adoram
International Ph.D. Program in Business Administration, The Faculty of Business
and Economics, University of Pécs, HUNGARY guy.adoram@gmail.com
The nexus between a successful entrepreneurial career and gender gaps is at the
center of this essay. This phenomenon can relate to a much broader global trend
of woman liberation and feminism, but this essay is focused upon the reasons for
gender gaps in entrepreneurship and suggested remedies for these discrepancies as
reflected in the literature. The discussion is about the issue of entrepreneurial
activity as a means of reducing discrimination against women or gender related poverty
and it is focused upon the processes that may promote women who are faced with entrepreneurial
and civic exclusion or inequity. The conclusion states that gender gaps can be diminished
through the implementation of the recommendations noted in the literature and activated,
though slowly, similar to the presented case study of Israel.
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Monopolies: Definitions and Consequences -The Case of the Israeli Economy
Sharon Michal
Pecs University BR, ISRAEL sharonm1970@gmail.com
Sixty years after the establishment of the State of Israel, the Israeli market is
considered a Western economy by most economic indices. From a socialist economy,
restricted by regulations which blocked private business initiatives, it became
an open and integrated economy, with strong global orientation. Although the Israeli
market has changed in recent years and in addition has impressive growth figures,
still public attention is required to the issue of monopolies. The article attempts
to demonstrate practical problems and issues related to the existence of monopolies
and to describe how the relationship between markets constrains, political issues,
and technological progress influences the monopolistic market and the prosperity
of the economy.
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Implementing Six Sigma Techniques in Management Institutes
Singh Sumer
Acropolis Faculty of Management & Research, Dewas Bye Pass, Indore, INDIA
Six sigma is both a technique and a statistical approach based on the desire to
eliminate waste and improve performance. At its heart, it is a statistical method
that involves drawing up an optimum specification for each of the processes within
the organization, then using statistical analysis to reduce deficiencies in the
processes, defects in products and non-compliance in services to almost zero. This
is accompanied by an organization culture that focuses on creating value for the
students and improving the processes across the value chain. Six sigma, if implemented
wisely, can improve the bottom line of an organization. With the help of six sigma
techniques, an organization can get more success in minimum time, once the base
is statistical information by sampling. However, if the technique is not used wisely,
there is a considerable danger that the program may be counterproductive. As the
competition gets tougher, there is more pressure on organization to improve quality.
Six sigma can help organizations learn and excel at the challenges they encounter,
if it is implemented wisely. Six sigma strategies offer a road map for changing
the data into knowledge that leads to new opportunities for significant improvements
in performance, satisfaction levels and bottom-line benefits.
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The nitty-gritty’s of Brand Management
Ramachandran S.
Department of Management Studies, Sri Sankara Arts & Science College, Enathur,
Kanchipuram (T.N.), INDIA
The brand name is one of the most powerful sources of identity. When a brand questions
its identity, the best answer is therefore to thoroughly examine its name and so
try to understand the reasoning behind its creation. In doing so, we can discover
the brands intentions and positioning. Many brands make every effort to acquit qualities
which their brand name fails to reflect or simply excludes altogether. Some leading
brands simply proceed by ignoring their meaning for their name. The temptation for
a brand to just forget about its name is caused by a rash interpretation of the
principle of brand autonomy. Experience indeed shows that brands become autonomous
as they start to give words specific meanings other than those in the dictionary.
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The Performance Evaluation Indicators and Relation Model – An Example of E-Travel
Wu Shwu-Ing* and Tsou Hsin-Yi
Department of Business Administration, National Chin-Yi University of Technology,
Taiwan, R. O. C.
This study is based on the concept of balanced scorecard to construct performance
evaluation perspectives and indicators and then to evaluate business performance
of e-travel agencies. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is applied to verify the
cause-and-effect relationships among performance measurement perspectives and then
to construct performance relation model. One hundred forty valid responses are collected
from e-travel agencies in Taiwan for empirical study. The study result shows that
31 valid performance indicators can effectively measure business performance of
e-travel agencies. From the SEM analysis, the study finds that the performance perspective
of Learning and Growth has a positive influence on the Internal Process perspective;
the Internal Process perspective has a positive influence on the Customer perspective
and the Customer perspective has a positive influence on the Financial perspective.
These results indicate that all non-financial performance perspectives have positive
influence on the financial performance which is the final goal of business.
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Performance Appraisal of The Gadag Co-operative Cotton Textile Mill Ltd., Hulkoti
Shiralashetti A.S.
P.G. Dept. of Commerce, Karnatak University, Dharwad-3 (Karnataka), INDIA
The cotton is an important commercial crop grown in India in large scale. The cotton
production in India has crossed 21.80 million bales at the end of March 2007. India
stood third next to China and USA in production of cotton among the top five-cotton
producing countries of the world. The cotton production in Karnataka State stood
440 thousand bales during 2006-07. But the cotton production in Karnataka State
is very low as compared to the cotton growing states like Gujarat, Maharastra, Punjab
and Andhra Pradesh. The cotton textile industries in India in general and Karnataka
State in particular have been contributing lot to the growth and development of
economy by providing market for the cotton growers and employment opportunities
to the many unemployed youths. The Gadag Cooperative Cotton Textile Mill Ltd., Hulkoti,
has been in existence for the last 35 years located in a village called Hulkoti
of Gadag District of Karnataka State. The Gadag Cooperative Cotton Textile Mill
Ltd., Hulkoti, has performed very fine in the first few years. However, the financial
statements of last few years of the firm show negative results like gross loss and
net loss and imbalance the assets and liabilities structure. The present study is
purely based on the secondary data i.e. Annual Reports of The Gadag Cooperative
Cotton Textile Mill Ltd., Hulkoti. The data are extracted from the financial statement
like manufacturing accounts, trading accounts, profit and loss accounts and balance
sheets of the firm from 2002-03 to 2007-08. The collected data are analyzed by using
the ratio analysis. Further, statistical tools like percentage, trends and tabulation,
mean standard deviation, coefficient of variation and growth rate are also used
for the purpose of the study.
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Brand Valuation: An Empirical Study with Special Reference to Indian Car Industry
Natarajan P. and Thiripurasundari U.*
Department of Commerce, School of Management, Pondicherry University, Kalapet, Puducherry
605 014, INDIA *sundari.miss@gmail.com
Abstract In the dynamic scenario of competitive market and with
the increasing concern for quality, brand and brand management have become a core
element of the corporate policy. Brand is a distinguishing name and a symbol, logo,
trademark, package and design intended to identify the goods or services of either
seller or a group of sellers and to differentiate these goods and services from
those of competitors and brand loyalty psychic allegiance to the combination of
attribute of a branded product focusing on the valuation of brand. Brand valuation
has become important in the current business environment. A brand is an index of
how strong and successful a firm is. This paper, vividly describes the interbrand
method for Brand Valuation to evaluate brand equity of selected car manufacturing
units. With the development of the Interbrand method, there is at least a standard
that can be used for brand valuation.
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Importance-Performance Analysis to determine Service Quality of a Restaurant
Service – An Empirical Study
Hema Nalini M.1* and Samuel S.2
1. Dept. of Commerce, Periyar EVR College, Trichy, INDIA 2. Payroll, TalentPro India,
T. Nagar, Chennai, INDIA
The service quality plays an important role in the success of any business. For
the better positioning and improvement of any service organization, it is necessary
to evaluate the performance of the service provided by them. To ensure the competitive
advantage of the hotel industry, it is essential to do contemporary research on
the service quality issues of the industry. This study explores and identifies the
importance of various service attributes of customers for different restaurant service
dimensions through Importance-Performance Analysis.
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Growing Prospective of Retail Industry in and Around India
Senthilkumar S.1* and Shivakumar P.2
1. Dept. of Management Studies, Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, Attur
Main Road, Mettupatti, Salem-636111, Tamilnadu, INDIA 2. Dept. of Management Studies,
Periyar Institute of Management Studies (PRIMS), Periyar University, Salem-636011,
Tamilnadu, INDIA
The Indian retail sector is witnessing tremendous growth with the changing demographics
and an increase in the quality of life of urban people. At this moment, it is still
premature to say that the Indian retail market will replicate the success stories
of names such as Walt-Mart Stores, Sainsbury and Tesco but at least the winds are
blowing in the direction of growth. The Indian retail industry has been analyzed
taking into perspective the growth of the Indian economy and the sustainability
of this sector in this scenario. Retail Sector is the most booming sector in the
Indian economy. Some of the biggest players of the world are going to enter the
industry soon. It is on the threshold of bringing the next big revolution after
the IT sector. Although organized retail market is not so strong as of now, it is
expected to grow manifolds by the year 2010. The sector contributes 10% of the GDP
and is estimated to show 20% annual growth rate by the end of the decade as against
the current growth rate of 8.5%. A CRISIL report says that the Indian retail market
is the most fragmented in the world and that only 2% of the entire retailing business
is in the organized sector. This suggests that the potential for growth is immense.
There are about 300 new malls, 1500 supermarkets and 325 departmental stores currently
being built in the cities across India.
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