Vol. 7(4) April 2014
Responsibility, Social Responsibility: Clarifying
the Concept
Chakravorty Jayesh
The term “Responsibility” in spite of its common sensical
use, has a value-loaded meaning in the domain of Ethics. The most widely accepted
view is that there are four dimensions of corporate social responsibility – economic,
legal, ethical and philanthropic. Aim in this paper is to understand whether we
use the term responsibility in its ethical sense when we discuss these four dimensions
of corporate social responsibility.
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Performance Management System (PMS) - A HR Strategy
in Banks
Alamelu R., Badrinath V. and Vivekapriyaa P.
‘Perform or perish’ is the modern mantra in work place.
Managing employee performance is the bigger challenge that the managers face today.
Bringing out the best from each and every employee is the ultimate goal of human
resource management. Performance of employees in banking sector, one of the core
sectors in Indian economy, not only contributes for economic development but for
better and evaluating service to its customer. This paper studies the opinion of
employee towards their existing PMS, analyzing its strength and weakness and the
ways for impressing the existing system.
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The impact of competitive goals and independent goals
on problem solving approach and blaming approach
Yau Hon Keung
The purpose of this paper is to examine the students’
perception of the impact of competitive goal and independent goal on problem solving
approach and blaming approach in Hong Kong higher education. A survey methodology
was employed in this study and totally 167 questionnaires were collected from Universities
in Hong Kong. The findings show that (i) there was significant negative correlation
between the competitive goals and problem solving approach; (ii) there was significant
positive correlation between the competitive goals and blaming approach; (iii) there
was significant negative correlation between the independent goals and problem solving
approach and (iv) there was significant positive correlation between the independent
goals and blaming approach.
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Employees’ Perception of Effectiveness of Training
and Development in Private Sector Banks
Rama Devi V. and Phanindra R.
Training and development provide employees required knowledge,
skills and abilities to do a job. The present study deals with employee’s perception
of effectiveness of the training and development system in private banking sector.
A sample of 123 respondents working in 10 private sector banks is drawn using simple
random sampling method. The primary data is collected from the sample respondents
using a structured questionnaire. The data is analyzed using chi-square test and
correlation. The results revealed that effectiveness of training and development
system in private sector banks increases with training motivation, good training
design, training implementation, effective learning and transfer of learning to
work place. Effective training and development in turn increase productivity that
justifies the investment in training and development.
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CSR and Management Studies: An Exploratory Research
how to make Student’s Attitude Positive for the Social Accounting
Roy Sanjoy, Gaur Ashutosh and Kaushik Bharat
We as a human being trying to make our life comfortable
and in this process we actually made our life complicated. Business men are running
factories, trading and shops etc. without considering the impact of unethical practices
on the society and environment. Management Institutes are most affected by technological
transform although seems to be less sensitive to social answerability. Students
of Management and Accounting who studied ethics have proved to be more ethical in
their intention than those who have not studied. Therefore, we should educate the
concept of CSR to our upcoming managers. The purpose of this paper is to study the
efficiency of the various institutes in creating an attitude of the student towards
Corporate Social responsibility.
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Factors influencing the Customers to adopt the E-Banking
Services: A Study with Special Reference to Chennai City
Balaguru R.
The enormous growth of information technology, e-banking
has become one of the core components of the present economic growth. In the wake
of internet and usage of computer, e-banking is ideal for banks to fulfill the customer’s
needs. Due to huge competition among the banks, the banks are providing quality
and innovative services to customers through e-banking to retain their market share.
Nowadays e-banking system is globally accepted due to its noticeable advantages
to customers and business entities. This paper investigates the factors influencing
the customers to adopt the e-banking services in Chennai city. The primary data
was collected from the 400 respondents through a structured questionnaire. Descriptive
statistics was used to explain demographic profile of respondents and factor analyses
were used to know the factors influencing the customer to adopt e-banking services.
The study found that five factors influenced the customers to adopt the e-banking
services in Chennai city namely Security and Trust, Awareness, Familiarity, Satisfaction
and Technical and Additional services.
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An Empirical Investigation on Impact of Labour Welfare
Measures on Industrial Relations
Bhavani and Thamil Selvan
This empirical research paper deals with study of health,
safety and welfare provisions and its effects on the three dimensions of industrial
relations like association of workers with organization, relationship of workers
with management and supervisors. This study throws light on how far the satisfaction
level of the workers in accordance with the health, safety and welfare measures
helps the employers to maintain healthy industrial relations. To measure the satisfaction
level of workers about health, safety and welfare measures, a set of questionnaire
was framed. The data were collected by using stratified random sampling from 315
workers working in the different parts of the sugar mills functioning at various
districts of Tamilnadu. Using the SPSS, some of the relevant tests were carried
out like reliability test, ANOVA, T-test, correlations. Based on the analysis made,
various findings were derived that will be useful, relevant and significant to develop
healthy industrial relations.
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Investment Objectives – Do Gender and Age really make
a difference?
Pathak Sunita and Pathak Tanvi
Every individual wants to save for his and family’s future
requirements. But the financial planning is not everybody’s forte. Even the financial
planners should have a sound knowledge of individual’s requirements and responsibilities.
And so they should be aware about their motives of doing investment and their demography.
By the help of this research, the paper is trying to highlight the motives behind
choosing an investment tool and to know if demographic characteristic plays any
role in this decision making process, especially gender and age of the investor.
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