Vol. 7(2) February 2014
Evolving Relationship between the Parent and Subsidiaries
in Multinational Companies
Miroshnik Victoria and Basu Dipak
There are some specific espoused values in every important
multinational company which form their organizational cultures and create values
which in turn may form commitment of its employees. The transmission of organizational
culture from the headquarters to subsidiaries appears to be a core of the mechanism
of managing overseas subsidiaries in multinational companies. The problem of setting
up operations in a foreign country with a very different culture has its transaction
cost. The thrust of the argument regarding the transaction cost is that companies
design their managerial control to promote the reductions of these transaction costs.
Both political and cultural problems reinforce the transaction cost arguments. The
central question in the literature on MNCs is the extent to which their various
foreign affiliates (or subsidiaries) act and behave as local firms versus the extent
to which their practices resemble those of the parent corporation or some other
global standard.
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Impact of Macroeconomic Indicators on Euro Currency
Yadav Shailaja P.
This study presents a broad understanding of the Forex
market, its participants and the methods used for analysis of the Forex markets.
This research focuses on the currency Euro and the major economic indicators of
the Euro zone. This research aids in understanding the movement of the Euro to the
timely releases of Euro-zone economic indicators. Further this study also helps
in determining the movement of the euro in a particular direction in the short term.
Data was analysed using inferential statistics. Thus findings of this study revealed
that the Flash GDP is at the top spot as the most important economic indicator in
business survey as it contributes 5.3 percent of changes in EUR/USD. German Prelim
GDP is second most important economic indicator in business survey as it contributes
3.5 percent of changes in EUR/USD. German ZEW Economic Sentiments contributes 2.7
percent of changes in EUR/USD.
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Demographic and business related effects on leadership
styles of Chinese and German managers
Ronald, Sun Linyan and Zhu Valerie
This article sheds light on the effects of demographic
and business related factors on leadership behaviour by surveying 203 German managers
and 778 Chinese business leaders. ANOVA analysis indicates that Chinese managers’
leadership behavior is strongly affected by the factors age, the educational level,
the position in the company, job tenure and the nature of business sectors. The
latter two businesses related factors also execute substantial effects on German
managers’ leadership styles. Further distinctions evolve; the factor company location
has impacts on Chinese managers’ but not on German managers’ values. This indicates
a distinctive Chinese intra-cultural variety which may have arisen from a much larger
country size compared to Germany.
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Sickness in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in
Kozhikode District – A Study
Suresh A. and Haneesh P.
Industrial sickness is a universal phenomenon. Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises are vital part of the Industrial sector of India. The
sector spreads throughout the country and also suffers from the problem of sickness.
In the context of Kerala where the unemployment problem is acute and the MSME is
the largest provider of employment, a study of such an issue assumes greater significance
.This study covers the sickness among MSMEs in Kozhikode district of Kerala.
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Corporate Governance and Capital Structure: Evidence
from listed firms in Nigeria Stock Exchange
Uwalomwa Uwuigbe and Daramola Peters Sunday
This study basically examined the relationship between
corporate governance and capital structure decisions of listed firms in Nigeria.
However, based on the availability of data for the study, corporate governance variables
were considered (board size, CEO duality, board composition and managerial ownership)
while debt to equity ratio was adopted as the criterion for capital structure. To
accomplish this objective, the annual report for the period 2006 -2011 was analyzed.
In addition, the study considered a total of 40 listed firms in the Nigerian stock
exchange market. The choice of the selected firms’ was made based on the capital
structure and the equity ownership structure of the listed firms.
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An Evaluation of Training Effectiveness for the Competencies
Development of Hotel Employees in Goa State
Patil Sunil Subhash and Chougale Praveen N.
In the present era of changing business environment when
organizations are competent to tie together successfully the competency, energy
and motivation of their human resources, they will have a model competitive business
edge. The competencies of the workforce sharpened and structured to their full potential
will significantly increase the overall worth and competitiveness of the business
organization. Human Resource Development (HRD) has undergone numerous changes that
reflect the dynamic factors in the corporate world of globalization. It is argued
that increased need for improved performance requires that human resource systems
in organizations use supplementary competent methods for tasks such as identification,
recruitment, measurement of employees’ performance and improving the training and
education of the workforce. From now on, the excellence of human resources will
be the engine for potential and sustained growth and will be the critical factor
in the destiny of a nation. HRD as a promoter of various forms of learning possibilities
in the place of work has gained increasing significance in changing work organizations.
Human resource development sub-systems comprise performance appraisal, potential
appraisal, career planning, training, performance coaching, organization development,
employee welfare, rewards, competencies, qualities of work life and human resource
information system. For the effective functioning of any organization, there is
need of evaluation of training effectiveness.
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Leadership styles
Nanjundeswaraswamy T. S. and Swamy D. R.
In this global competitive environment, effective leadership
style is necessary to reduce the attrition rate. From the effective leadership styles
only it is possible to achieve organizational goal productively. Leadership styles
affect on the employee performance and productivity. This paper summarizes and analyzes
the available literature of leadership styles and effect on different components
of Quality of work life.
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