Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Vol. 7(10) October 2014

Evaluation of Urban Informal Employment in China: A Survey of Migrant Peasant Workers

Su Feng and Zhang Zhiyu

The informal employment of informal sectors takes very important role in present Chinese rapid economic growth. The main stream of informal employment in urban area is employment of urban migrant peasant workers flowing from rural area. There are some problems existing in present urban management and administration of migrant peasant workers. This paper discusses such problems and raises out some suggestions to Chinese urban informal employment management.

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The China Transformation and the Real Estate Bubble

Geib Peter and Pfaff Lucie

The real estate boom in China has to be seen in the greater context of an economy in transition. The tremendous growth rate of GDP over a period of more than three decades has created demand for industrial and private development in the building industry. The rise of a middle class added to the demand for housing, especially in urban areas. Easy credit during the financial crisis of 2008-2009 has further stimulated construction. The Chinese government is trying a measured approach to maintain growth without causing inflation and at the same time, control excessive real estate development.

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Organizational Culture: An Antecedent to Employee Involvement – A Pragmatic Study

Vaijayanthi P. and Shreenivasan K. A.

Organization Culture shapes the context in which employees judge the appropriateness of their behavior and performance at work. The primary objective of this study is to examine the relationship between Organization Culture and Employee Involvement in the manufacturing sector. 100 employees including managers, supervisors and contract workers out of 596 employees of a huge private sector cement manufacturing unit with an installed capacity of about 13 MTPA and three generations of establishment and growth have been contacted for the study. The dimensions of organization’s characters, organization’s managers and organizational cohesion of organization culture were confirmed to have a relatively stronger influence on employee involvement than organizational rewards and organizational emphasis.

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A modified model of the relationships among market orientation and internet-related cognitions for Hong Kong small business environment

Yau Hon Keung, Kan Man Shan and Cheng Lai Fong Alison

Celuch, Green, Saxby and Ehlen17 developed a model of the relationships among market orientation and internet -related cognitions. The purpose of this paper is to test all relationships among market orientation, behavioral norms, internet efficacy, internet usage benefits and behavioral intention in Hong Kong small business companies. A survey was employed and questionnaires were distributed to 100 Hong Kong small business managers. The findings showed that there are positive relationships among the market orientation, behavioral norms, internet efficacy, internet usage benefits and behavioral intention respectively.

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A Study on the Impact of E-Procurement on Indian Industries

Swamy D. R., Nanjundeswaraswamy T. S., Rashmi S. and Singh Nalini

Electronic procurement (e-procurement), in recent years, has been used as a means to reduce costs significantly. It enables volume purchases, allows wider choice of buyers and suppliers, improves quality, delivery, reduces paperwork and lowers administrative costs. This study analyzes the impact of e-procurement on the purchasing process of Indian Industries. It also aims to quantify performance benefits that can be achieved by adopting e-procurement. The study is part of an extensive web based survey which gathers information on 3600 view of e-procurement from the perspectives of buyer, seller, service/solution provider and academicians/ trade bodies to gain an insight into the shift from traditional procurement ways to the adoption of e-Procurement by the industries. The critical factors of success are examined. Six major impact dimensions especially on the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, competitive advantage and green supply chain are precisely set out. The key contribution of this study consists of a specific measurement framework for each impact dimension achieved by model called as EPPMM (Electronic Procurement Performance Measurement Model). The study includes 108 buyers, 105 sellers, 65 service providers and 80 academicians as the domain experts of which 56 buyers, 53 sellers, 52 service providers and 54 academicians’ response were taken as a sample. The data is analyzed using MS Excel. There is a significant association between the impact of e-procurement on buyer, seller, service provider and academician. The results obtained from analysis regarding the overall impact, impact on buyer, seller, service provider and academician state that 77.3% of Indian Industries are satisfied with and support e-Procurement technology, where as 79.1% of buyer, 76.09% of seller, 77.2% of service provider and 77.3% of academician are satisfied with and support e-procurement technology.

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Comparison of Transformational and Transactional leadership in Indian Healthcare: An empirical aspect

Sengupta Arunima, Jha Ajeya, Sengupta A. K., Philip Mariamma and Tripathi K. K.

The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between emotional intelligence (EI) and leadership styles (transformational and transactional) of healthcare professionals. The research sample comprised of 330 subjects from Kolkata, Gangtok and Bangalore. Emotional intelligence was measured by the Assessing Emotions Scale while leadership styles were assessed by the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. In data collection, this study used a convenience sampling technique. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression. The findings indicate a moderate correlation (r=0.310) between EI and transformational leadership style and a weak correlation (r=0.123) between EI and transactional leadership style. The key implication is that given proper training concerning EI and leadership, these professionals can build a leadership quality. One of the limitations of this study is the use of a convenience sample that might limit the generalization of the findings.

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