Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Vol. 8(4) April 2015

Internal marketing: A tool for success of Hotel Industry

Kumar Varun and Bhargava Indu

Customer Satisfaction is the most important gadget which makes an organization survive and face the competition. The concept of internal marketing is the most upcoming topic which creates attention amongst the researchers. It has been seen that in hotel industry it is the customers who make the hotel industry grow or vanish. The customers are first key persons who give the business but the internal customers i.e. the employees are the pillars who make the business grow and prosperous. So a close eye on internal marketing of these valuable customers is most essential. The present paper is a review work on concept and importance of internal marketing.

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Factors influencing Total Service Quality

Kachwala Tohid

Total Quality Management represents a formidable challenge for Service providers seeking to understand what makes their services shine in the eyes of their customers. As services move from the realm of quality service into the domain of total quality management, they are asking themselves some serious questions about the way they do business. Both internal and external procedures are being examined, measured and improved to deliver quality service that is consistent throughout the services. The present study identifies some important elements that are associated with Total Quality Management in Services by summarizing the inferences of studies carried out by the author in the areas of Hotels, Business Schools, Hospitals and Banks. One can observe that while there are a number of similarities in the important factors, there are also sector specific factors that influence Total Service Quality from the point of view of the service provider.

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Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Private and Public Sector Banks

Sharma Pragya and Malu Sandeep

Job satisfaction is the degree to which people like their jobs. A satisfied, happy and hard working employee is the biggest asset of any organization. Efficient human resource management and maintaining higher job satisfaction level in banks determine not only the performance of the bank but also affect the growth and performance of the entire economy. So, for the success of banking, it is very important to manage employees effectively and to find whether they are satisfied or not. This study investigates the level of job satisfaction in identifying the important factors that are associated with the overall job satisfaction of bank employees. Factors including general working conditions pay and promotion potential, work relationships, use of skills and abilities and overall job satisfaction are found important for improving job satisfaction of bank employees. These factors are significantly related to the overall satisfaction among the employees of two public sector and two private sector banks in India. Based on a survey on 60 employees of public and private sector banks, the paper attempts to gain insights into the satisfaction levels from the perspective of the bank employees.

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Impact of the Welfare Measures on QWL of the Employees in Cooperative Sugar Factories with reference to Nashik Revenue Region in Maharashtra, India

Salunke G.N.

Cooperative sugar factories in Maharashtra are acting as tool of economic change in rural Maharashtra since 1960s. The sugar industry is second largest agro based industry in India and Maharashtra also. Maharashtra produces about 36 percent of the total sugar produced in the country and rank second to Uttar Pradesh. On account of this Maharashtra is known as sugar hub of the country. Co-operative Sugar factories have large potentials of creating employment opportunity in the rural area. Sugar industry is one of the important industries of India for earning Foreign Exchange and giving employment to lakhs of workers particularly in rural area. Because of being highly labour intensive industry it needs to concentrate more in the area of employee’s welfare measures. Nashik revenue region in Maharashtra (region comprises of five districts i.e. Nashik, Ahmednagar, Jalgaon, Dhulia and Nandurbar) has been taken as a sample for this study, for identifying various methods and also to identify the effectiveness of the methods. Survey shows that most of the employees are highly benefitted with the welfare measures provided by the factories. The employees show positive attitude towards the provision of the welfare measures. Welfare measures play an important role in employee satisfaction and result in improved quality of work life. This study throws light on the impact of welfare measures on QWL among the employees of Sugar factories in Nashik revenue region of Maharashtra.

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A Study on the Influences of Customer Knowledge towards Customer Involvement and Customer Satisfaction with special reference to Purchasing of Mobile Phones

Hamza V.K.

Three aspects of consumer behaviour have been discussed through the study. The influences of customer knowledge towards involvement, knowledge towards satisfaction and the influences of involvement towards satisfaction were hypothesized and proved in the mobile phone market of India. The results of the study show that customer knowledge reduces customer involvement and increases customer satisfaction. It was also suggested that high involvement during the purchase leads to customer satisfaction. The study reported the interplay of customer knowledge, customer involvement and customer satisfaction.

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Abnormal Accruals and the Predictive Ability of Future Cash Flows: Evidence in China

Zuo Ling-Yan

This paper examines the information contents of discretionary (abnormal) accruals under Chinese evidence during 2008 to 2012, whether they could provide superior insight into future cash flows beyond that conveyed through traditional earnings components (current cash flows and accruals items). In particular, this research extends Subramanyam’s34 study to estimate abnormal accruals using modified Jones model, which focused on working capital accruals and developed Barth et al’s6 model to disaggregate total accruals into components to identify a measure for unexplained future cash flows. These represent the portion of future cash flows that may be considered ‘abnormal’ in the sense that it is not explained by current earnings components. The results reveal that disaggregation of total accruals can improve the prediction of reported earnings and present a significant positive association between current values of abnormal accruals and one-year-ahead values for unexplained future cash flows. This suggests that abnormal accruals contain information regarding the unexplained part of future cash flows and may provide a rationale for the pricing of abnormal accruals by the market.34,35 It also finds that firms with extreme positive abnormal accruals exhibit positive abnormal cash flows in the following year, possibly indicating that managers may use accruals to signal future performance.

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