Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Vol. 8(8) August 2015

China: Bubble-Up Innovation

Geib Peter and Swenson James

The purpose of this paper is to present a new approach to solving the problem of sustainable innovation for China. By basing new products on combinatorial innovation based on technical insights arrived through a heterarchical team based structure, a company can create and launch innovative products that will transform their business. We propose that the solution to China's innovation problem is to follow the maxim of investing in the team, not in the business plan. Companies that continue to follow an MBA planning approach based on competitive strategy and Blue Ocean market opportunity, will not only fail to create disruptive innovations but they will also fail to attract the creative talent needed to transform their business.

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Developing scenario for growth – a case study

Sahay Mridula

The corporate growth can be envisaged better by creating unconventional scenarios and weighing them against the probable opportunities and threats along with the company's current strengths and weaknesses. Both opportunities and threats assessment and scenarios preparation need forecasting of relevant factors concerning the business. This paper presents application of some well known forecasting techniques and its use in preparation of scenarios.

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