Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Vol. 9(2) February 2016

Green Marketing: The Next Big Thing

Kumar Rajeev

The main objective of the study is to understand the concept of green marketing for the companies and its long term impact on the Business profitability. It has been observed that the companies that have favorable attitude towards green product and green marketing help in improving the sales and the image of the companies. In addition to the positive image of the company, green marketing also harmonizes environmental and individual interests of the company. Those companies who want to keep up with the development of green marketing and fulfilling their social expectations, need to get to know green marketing and its opportunities in the 21stcentury deeper. It is also believed by many companies that if they will offer green products to the consumer’s it will give them a competitive advantage over their competitors as people these days have a positive attitude towards green products.

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Impact of culture in human resource management

Sivasankaran E.S.

The paper focuses on the significance of organisation culture and its contribution to the organisation’s survival and growth. With the rapidly changing external and internal business environment it has become complex to manage the ever increasing demands of the organizational stakeholders. To meet the changing needs, the organization needs to have people cutting edge and hence it is vital on the part of the organization to create right positive organizational culture where people will blossom and contribute effectively to the organization’s sustenance and growth. The human behavior is an unpredictable phenomenon calling for matured approach by the HR professionals. The organizational culture management needs to be understood from various stages of HR Processes and cannot be viewed in isolation.

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Does debt provide economic growth in central Asian economies?

Kadı Filiz and Kadı Osman Salih

This study has analyzed external debt, current account deficit and growth relations for selected central Asian and Caucasus countries between the years 1993-2011 using fixed capital and growth rate and debt ratio variables. The panel data estimation is also analyzed and the findings of the panel estimations do not overlap with the theory; in other words, findings are not statistically significant; the increase in the external debt ratio has no negative or positive effect on economic growth. However test results indicate that fixed capital growing has positive influence on economic growth.

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