Value based Healthcare
Wilson Hillary, Gole Justin, Mishra Bharat and Mishra Jitendra
Healthcare needs a new agenda, a value agenda. On the
to do list: achieve the best outcomes, do it with minimal cost and do not sacrifice
quality. This paper discusses value-based healthcare and analyzes the current progress
of this idea. It is found that many healthcare providers have already moved to a
value-based set of procedures and the rest of the U.S. healthcare system will soon
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Corporate Governance and Firm’s Performance during
Subprime Crisis: Evidence from Indian firms
Singh Mohinder and Kumar Sanjeev
In the recent years the attention and interest in corporate
governance has increased especially with the collapses of economies both developed
as well as developing and series of corporate scandals. These collapses and scandals
raised doubts in the minds of investors about the credibility of regulators and
their competence to make efficient capital market. In India, corporate governance
gained movement after the capital markets frauds in early nineties and opening of
Indian Economy. During subprime crisis many corporations collapsed due to poor governance.
In this paper an attempt has been made to examine the role of governance and capital
structure of Indian listed firms on their financial performance during subprime
crisis. Based on the annual reports of 121 BSE listed companies, the study observed
that recent financial crisis has affected the performance of Indian companies. Firms
with higher level of board activism perform better during crisis. Firms with higher
disclosure standards, effective audit committee and well protected rights of minority
shareholders have performed well during study period. The results also support the
resource dependency theory and found positive association between foreign ownership
holding and firm performance and supporting the view that greater exposure to the
external environment improves access to large resources at competitive costs and
thus positively affects firm’s performance. The perception that powerful board structure
has positive impact on firm’s performance has not been supported in this study.
Further, widely held firms have not performed well during study period as compared
to concentrated companies.
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