Advances In Management

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Advances In Management

Vol. 9(9) September 2016

Multivariate Analysis of Variance in Marketing Research

Ha Jungbok

The Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) model is a powerful tool for marketing research especially in experimental design framework. Because of advantages in MANOVA technique, it has been used in experimental design along with ANOVA technique. Since a new statistical technique such as structural equation model in experimental design replaces MANOVA, the usage of MANOVA is still very viable in the marketing literature. This paper presents MANOVA as a research methodology technique and then shows the evidence of usage in marketing literature during the past. Finally, shows some concerns regarding its use.

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An Analytical Study of the Impact of Capital Structure on Profitability of Top IT Companies in India

Tapal Dulababu

Capital structure is an imperative decision of the business and poses a lot of challenges; determining an optimum or strategic mix of equity and debt to finance its business assets. The market dynamics due to globalization is further fuelling the challenge as the changes happening in the global economy are not permanent and speed and frequency of the changes are increasing and there is high need of right direction and right time to determine the appropriate mix of the sources of financing. IT (Information Technology) sector was doing very well in the past three or four decades in India. At present and for the last four or five years the IT majors are also facing down trend in the generation of top line and bottom line. This made to analyze capital structure vis-à-vis profitability of the IT majors in India. The research paper investigates whether capital structure decisions are relevant to increase the profitability of the IT majors. This paper is secondary data based and is empirical in nature.

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