World Researchers Associations

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Dr. Jyoti Garg,
Director, World Researchers Associations

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Corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern

We recognize our responsibility to correct errors that we have previously published. Our policy is to consider refutations (readers’ criticisms) of primary research papers, and to publish them (in concise form) if and only if the author provides compelling evidence that a major claim of the original paper was incorrect. Refutations are peer-reviewed, and where possible they are sent to the same referees who reviewed the original paper. A copy is usually also sent to the corresponding author of the original paper for signed comments. Refutations are typically published in the Communications sometimes with a brief response from the original authors. Some submitted refutations are eventually published as retractions by the paper’s authors.

Complaints, disagreements over interpretation and other matters arising should be addressed to the editor of the journals. Because debates over interpretation are often inconclusive, we do not automatically consider criticisms of review articles or other secondary material, and in the event that we decide to publish such a criticism we do not necessarily consult the original authors. Editorial decisions in such cases are based on considerations of reader interest, novelty of arguments, integrity of the publication record and fairness to the parties involved. Publication may take various forms at the discretion of the editor. WRA considers correspondence relating to all review-type articles.

Corrections are published for significant errors in non-peer-reviewed content of WRA journals at the discretion of the editors. Readers who have identified such an error should send an email to the general email address of the journal, clearly stating the publication reference, title, author and section of the article, briefly explaining the error.

WRA operates the following policy for making corrections to the print and online versions of their peer-reviewed content.

Publishable amendments that affect the publication record and/or the scientific accuracy of published information are published online in the journal. Four categories of amendments are relevant for peer-reviewed material: Erratum or Publisher Correction, Corrigendum or Author Correction, Retraction or Addendum. All four correction types are bi-directionally linked to the original published paper.